- 1. Getting Started
Getting Started → 1. Getting Started 10. Configure the build scripts Introduction This site provides documentation, training, and other notes for the Jekyll Documentation theme. There’s a lot of information about how to do a variety of things here, and it’s not all unique to this theme. But by and...
- About Ruby, Gems, Bundler, and other prerequisites
Ruby is a programming language you must have on your computer in order to build Jekyll locally. Ruby has various gems (or plugins) that provide various funct...
- Tooltips
You can add tooltips to any word, such as an acronym or specialized term. Tooltips work well for glossary definitions, because you don't have to keep repeati...
- Alerts
You can insert notes, tips, warnings, and important alerts in your content. These notes make use of Bootstrap styling and are available through data referenc...
- Atom Text Editor
Atom is a free text editor that is a favorite tool of many writers because it is free. This page provides some tips for using Atom.
- Build arguments
You use various build arguments with your Jekyll project. You can also create shell scripts to act as shortcuts for long build commands. You can store the co...
- 10. Configure the build scripts
You need to customize the build scripts. These script automate the publishing of your PDFs and web outputs through shell scripts on the command line.
- Code samples
You can use fenced code blocks with the language specified after the first set of backtick fences.
- Commenting on files
You can add a button to your pages that allows people to add comments.
- Installing Jekyll
Installing Ruby Install ruby 2.3.3 using these commands: curl -L | bash -s stable source /home/<username>/.rvm/scripts/rvm rvm install 2.3.3 Installing Jekyll: Run this command to install jekyll and bundler: gem install jekyll bundler Setting Up a Local Version Create a local version of our site using: git clone
- Excluding files
By default, all the files in your Jekyll project are included in the output (this differs from DITA projects, which don't include files unless noted on the m...
- FAQ layout
You can use an accordion-layout that takes advantage of Bootstrap styling. This is useful for an FAQ page.
- Generating PDFs
You can generate a PDF from your Jekyll project. You do this by creating a web version of your project that is printer friendly. You then use utility called ...
- Git notes and tips
If you're interacting with your team using Git, these notes and tips will help you collaborate efficiently.
- Glossary layout
Your glossary page can take advantage of definitions stored in a data file. This gives you the ability to reuse the same definition in multiple places. Addit...
- Help APIs and UI tooltips
You can loop through files and generate a JSON file that developers can consume like a help API. Developers can pull in values from the JSON into interface e...
- Links
When creating links, you can use standard HTML or Markdown formatting. However, you can also implement an automated approach to linking that makes linking mu...
- Icons
You can integrate font icons through the Font Awesome and Glyphical Halflings libraries. These libraries allow you to embed icons through their libraries del...
- Images
Store images in the images folder and use the image.html include to insert images. This include has several options, including figcaptions, that extract the ...
- Install Jekyll on Mac
Installation of Jekyll on Mac is usually less problematic than on Windows. However, you may run into permissions issues with Ruby that you must overcome. You...
- Install Jekyll on Windows
Tip: For a better terminal emulator on Windows, use Git Bash. Git Bash gives you Linux-like control on Windows. Install Ruby First you must install Ruby because Jekyll is a Ruby-based program and needs Ruby to run. Go to RubyInstaller for Windows. Under RubyInstallers, download and install one of the...
- iTerm profiles
You can set up profiles in iTerm to facilitate the build process with just a few clicks. This can make it a lot easier to quickly build multiple outputs.
- Installing Jekyll
Installing Apache: Install apache package using this command: sudo yum install httpd Start the server using this command: sudo systemctl start httpd.service Set the server to run on startup using this command: sudo systemctl enable httpd.service Try connecting to http:// If you have issues with that, make sure your firewall...
- Knowledge-base layout
This shows a sample layout for a knowledge base. Each square could link to a tag archive page. In this example, font icons from Font Awesome are used for the...
- Labels
Labels are just a simple Bootstrap component that you can include in your pages as needed. They represent one of many Bootstrap options you can include in yo...
- Lists
This page shows how to create both bulleted and numbered lists
- Navtabs
Navtabs provide a tab-based navagation directly in your content, allowing users to click from tab to tab to see different panels of content. Navtabs are espe...
- Getting started with the Documentation Theme for Jekyll
These brief instructions will help you get started quickly with the theme. The other topics in this help provide additional information and detail about work...
- Pages
This theme primarily uses pages. You need to make sure your pages have the appropriate frontmatter. One frontmatter tag your users might find helpful is the ...
- Posts
You can use posts when you want to create blogs or news type of content.
- Publishing on Github Pages
You can publish your project on Github Pages, which is a free web hosting service provided by Github. All you need is to put your content into a Github repo ...
- Pushing builds to server
You can push your build to AWS using commands from the command line. By including your copy commands in commands, you can package all of the build and deploy...
- Search configuration
The search feature uses JavaScript to look for keyword matches in a JSON file. The results show instant matches, but it doesn't provide a search results page...
- Series
You can automatically link together topics belonging to the same series. This helps users know the context within a particular process.
- Series demo 1
This is the first post in the series.
- Series demo 2
This is the second post in the series.
- Series demo 3
This is the third post in the series.
- Series demo 4
This is the fourth post in the series.
- Shuffle layout
This layout shows an example of a knowledge-base style navigation system, where there is no hierarchy, just groups of pages that have certain tags.
- Sidebar Navigation
The sidebar navigation uses a jQuery component called Navgoco. The sidebar is a somewhat complex part of the theme that remembers your current page, highligh...
- Special layouts overview
This theme has a few special layouts. Special layouts include the JS files they need directly in the page. The JavaScript for each special layout does not lo...
- Syntax highlighting
You can apply syntax highlighting to your code. This theme uses pygments and applies color coding based on the lexer you specify.
- Tables
You can format tables using either multimarkdown syntax or HTML. You can also use jQuery datatables (a plugin) if you need more robust tables.
- Tag archives overview
This is an overview to the tag archives section. Really the only reason this section is listed explicitly in the TOC here is to demonstrate how to add a thir...
- Tags
Tags provide another means of navigation for your content. Unlike the table of contents, tags can show the content in a variety of arrangements and groupings...
- Text
You can use standard github-flavored markdown text formatting synatx and other formatting options supported by Kramdown, HTML tags, and CSS classes provided ...
- Themes
You can choose between two different themes (one green, the other blue) for your projects. The theme CSS is stored in the CSS folder and configured in the co...
- Troubleshooting Jekyll
This page lists common errors and the steps needed to troubleshoot them.
- WebStorm Text Editor
You can use a variety of text editors when working with a Jekyll project. WebStorm from IntelliJ offers a lot of project-specific features, such as find and ...
- Workflow maps
Version 6.0 of the Documentation theme for Jekyll reverts back to relative links so you can view the files offline. Additionally, you can store pages in subd...