
Gitlab Tutorial

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Getting to GitLab

Go to and sign in using your Hofstra portal credentials.

Alternatively, you can find GitLab in your list of apps in your portal.

Creating your first remote repository

On GitLab let’s create a new repository.

Click on the plus button on the top bar and select “New project” from the dropdown menu.

Enter a name. It should not have spaces or special characters, as it will be part of the URL of your new repo. You can leave the rest of the options at their defaults.

You will be taken to the main page of your repository, that doesn’t have any files yet.

Select the HTTPS link and copy it.

Open up your terminal and enter:

git clone <HTTPS link>

Enter the directory using the cd command.

Making changes

After making changes to files in your local repo, enter:

git add .

All changed files will now be tracked in the next commit

Alternatively, you can track single files at a time:

git add <file name goes here>

Files can also be removed from tracking:

git rm <file name goes here>

Committing changes

View the status of your files:

git status

Commit changes to your local repo:

git commit

Or add a message to your commit:

git commit -m "<Message goes here>"

Pushing changes

Push your local commits to the remote repo:

git push

If prompted, input your Hofstra portal credentials.

Pulling changes:

Pull commits from remote repo into your local repo:

git pull

Quick Reference Guide:

More information

For more interactve guides see the Gitlab University Curriculum

For more in-depth guides see the Gitlab help docs