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CPSC 105, Computers in a Modern Society, Spring 2000

Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office: MCEC 343, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106-3100
Office Phone: (860 297) 5395

Teaching Assistants: Duane Sibilly and Matthew Bridges

Course Syllabus

Online Resources:

First Assignment Due Monday 1/24. Homework assignment Due Wednesday 2/2
Pirates of Silicon Valley Worksheet
Excel Programming assignment

ELIZA Artificial Intelligence Program
AI Sidebars

Final Exam Study Guide


Current Assignment: Locate someone with a computer on the internet, but is not connected to the Trinity college network - i.e., who's IP address is NOT of the form 157.252.x.y. Teach them how to find their IP address, and, using a trinity computer on your end, do a "tracert" both ways. Report the results and indicate the physical location of the other machine. Due Wednesday 4/26

Final Exam review session Thursday 5/4 at 5:30 in our classroom
Matt Bridges will hold another review session on Sunday, time TBA.