

Application name: OpenSSH client
Platforms: Windows macOS Linux
Developer: OpenBSD Foundation
Division / Department: Department of Computer Science
Available to: Students and Faculty
Available in Labs: Architecture Lab (Adams 202)
Systems Lab (Adams 203)
Linux Lab (Adams 204)
Gaming and Graphics Lab (Adams 206)
Amphitheater (Adams 208)
Big Data Lab (Adams 019)
Links: Official Website
How to SSH into the Linux Lab
X11 forwarding over SSH using Cygwin


Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol and the name of the program that implements it for remote command-line access.

You can use SSH to remotely login to the Linux Lab and Big Data Lab virtual machines. To do this on a Windows computer, you will need to use Cygwin. If you are on a Mac, SSH is already installed so you just need to open Terminal.
