Professor Computer Science Department
Professor Thomas Re has a master’s degree in Computer Science and a dual undergraduate degree in both Computer Science and Mathematics. He has certifications and experiences in teaching Cisco Routing and Switching. Prof. Re also has fulltime and freelance work in security camera software development, Unix System Administration and Programmer, Novell Server Administration, Windows Server Administration, Mobile Application development and Web Application development. He also has extensive teaching experience in Computer Science, Mathematics and Information Technology for over 18 years. He has been teaching for over 12 years at Hofstra University as an Adjunct.
Professor Re is always involved with student groups and activities on campus. Including, but not limited to practices for the ACM programming contest, chaperoning trips and being involved with robotics projects involving the raspberry pi. In addition to this, professor Re makes himself available for students outside of class and advisory responsibilities to work on their Senior Design, Masters Project and Thesis work. Prof. Re has also been the advisor for a Thesis, Masters Project and is currently involved with a Senior Design project.
Phone: (516)463-5555
Office Hours change from semester to semester. For more information on Prof. Re's office hourse, please either contact the department, check his syllibus on blackboard or email him directly. When contacting Professor Re directly through email, please allow 1 to 2 busines days for a reply.