Computer Science/Engineering Seminar on Internship and Capstone Project by Jonathan Levine, Sabbir Liakat, Beata Chojnowska, and Bashar Al Shboul (12/10/2008)
A Unified Sequent Calculus for Focused Proofs by Dr. Chuck Liang (12/02/2008)
Entrepreneurship: A Venture Capital Industry Perspective by Paul G. Lowell, Topspin Partners (12/03/2008)
The Real World of Entrepreneurship in the Computing Industry by Dr. Edward Currie (11/05/2008)
A Tiling approach to initial neighborhood construction within timetabling and scheduling problems by Mr. Doug Moody (10/23/2008)
Exploiting Heterogeneous Data Sets for Functional Annotation by Dr. Darrin Lewis (09/25/2008)