Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Professor of Computer Science,
Hofstra University .
Office Address:
201A Adams Hall
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11550
Office Phone: (516 463) 5559
Email: cscccl@hofstra.edu (<- click to send me mail)
Official Office Hours: Monday through Wednesday 3-4pm
Course Syllabus and Goals
Lambda calculus in Scheme
Lambda calculus in Ruby
Lambda calculus in Perl
Halting Problem in Lambda Calculus/Scheme
ML-F# .Net integration assignment.
Support files:
fractions.cs, numlist.fs
Use this fractions.dll if you're having trouble
with incompatible binaries.
Second F# assignment (parsing and compiling)
AspectJ Assignment.
java version of food visitor for problem B1 of AspectJ assignment.
problem B3 of the AOP assignment, with
support files figure.java and
figs.java. (main is in figs.java).
Submit all programming assignments on blackboard (csc123) (but not the first homework, which is a written assignment).
Please heed the warning about saving versus submitting
More Scheme Programs (files in bold are required reading)
F# programs:
AspectJ Programs (All required reading)
Other Programs:
C code for linked lists similar to those used in class
Inheritance in
pure C, and C#
A poem in C++
Use of pointers and casting in C compared
to C++
What mother never told you about templates in C++
Final Exam Monday 12/17 4-6pm in Adams 204. Exam will be proctored by Dr. Fu, along with his csc17 students. Use the study guide and sample solutions to the practice problems.
Midterm study guide still available with sample solutions to the practice problems.
All assignment due dates are suspended until further notice. However, to keep up with the class it is always in your best interest to do the assignments as much as possible. Soon or later we must have exams.
On the first C# assignment, the addendum is now optional. This is a firm deadline since it's a relatively simple assignment.
Tutor Available: Paras Patel is available as a tutor for this class.
He is available during the following times:
MW: 3pm - 6pm, after 8pm
F: anytime after 3pm
Tu: anytime except 2pm-4:30pm, (in 204 lab between 12:30 - 2)
Th: all day
You can email him at ppatel1@pride.hofstra.edu .