Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Associate Professor of Computer Science,
Hofstra University .
Office Address:
201A Adams Hall
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11550
Office Phone: (516 463) 5559
Email: cscccl@hofstra.edu (<- click to send me mail)
Official Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 3-4pm
Course Syllabus and Goals
Scheme Programs (files in bold are required reading)
The Food Assignment. Your xmlwriter visitor should write
files consistent with this example.
Food files: foods.cs,
AspectJ Assignment Part A. The
first problem of part A is due Tuesday 12/4, and should be completed
problem B3 of the AOP assignment, with
support files figure.java and
figs.java. (main is in figs.java).
Final Exam RESCHEDULED to Tuesday 12/18 at 6:15pm, adams 200.
I'll be on campus Monday at around 3-4:30pm. If enough people show up we can hold another review session. In any case I'll be available to answer questions then.
Use the exam study guide, now with sample solutions
to the practice problems.
Review Session Tuesday 12/11 at 5pm, in Adams 019.
To run the ajc compiler on windows, you must use the windows "cmd" command line (don't use the cygwin shell). Add the required paths for both java and asjectj to system-enviornment variable Path. Make sure you have java and javac working first before trying to install aspectj. Use the java from java.sun.com.
Scheme can now also be run on the linux machines in Adams 204. Execute the command
/shared/csc/local/bin/scheme --library /shared/csc/local/lib/mit-schemeYou can create an alias or shell script to make this easier.