Jianchen Shan
Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director
Department of Computer Science
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
Office: Science and Innovation Center 216
Phone: (516) 463-5712
Email: Jianchen.Shan@hofstra.edu
Google Scholar ProfileJianchen Shan is an Associate Professor in Computer Science Department at Hofstra University. He holds the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology (advised by Xiaoning Ding), and the M.S./B.S. degrees in Computer Science from Shanghai University. His major research interest is to improve performance of various computing systems, including cloud system, parallel and distributed system, operating system, etc.
RA position is open to highly motivated students who are interested in his research.
- CSC 016: Data Structures, Algorithms and Object-Oriented Programming (C/C++)
- CSC 017: Advanced Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming (Java)
- CSC 112: Computer Operating Systems (Reading list)
- CSC 144M: High Performance Cloud Computing
- CS 288 (NJIT): Intensive Programming in Linux
Recent Publications:
- Optimizing Task Scheduling in Cloud VMs with Accurate vCPU Abstraction
Edward Guo, Weiwei Jia, Xiaoning Ding, Jianchen Shan
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2025)
- Effective Huge Page Strategies for TLB Miss Reduction in Nested Virtualization
Weiwei Jia, Jiyuan Zhang, Jianchen Shan, Xiaoning Ding
IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC 2024)
- HugeGPT: Storing Guest Page Tables on Host Huge Pages to Accelerate Address Translation
Weiwei Jia, Jiyuan Zhang, Jianchen Shan, Yiming Du, Xiaoning Ding and Tianyin Xu
Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2023)
- Reestablishing Page Placement Mechanisms for Nested Virtualization
Xiaowei Shang, Weiwei Jia, Jianchen Shan, Xiaoning Ding and Cristian Borcea
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC 2023)
- Making Dynamic Page Coalescing Effective on Virtualized Clouds
More Publications
Weiwei Jia, Jiyuan Zhang, Jianchen Shan, Xiaoning Ding
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2023)
- NSF Grant: Octopus OS: A High-Performance Cloud OS with Accurate Resource Abstraction in 2024 (Award 2324923)
- Hofstra's DeMatteis SEAS Faculty Research and Development Grant in 2023
- Hofstra's Lawrence A. Stessin Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication in 2022
- NJIT's Joseph Leung Award for the Best Computer Science PhD thesis of the year in 2018
- USENIX ATC Student Grant in 2014
- Granted Patent for Noval N-Body GPU Algorithm (CN102955686B) in 2013
Student Mentee:
- Matthew Elbing: 2022 Spring, Undergraduate --> PhD@UNC-Chapel Hill
- Jason Jackerel: 2021 Spring, Undergraduate --> Engineer@Apple
- Youssef Elmougy: 2020 Fall, Undergraduate --> PhD@GIT
- Conference Organization: IEEE Cloud Summit
- Reviewing Service: Journal of Cloud Computing, Journal of Super Computing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System, IEEE Access, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Cloud Summit, IEEE MASS, IEEE Cloud Computing
- Hofstra University: Hofstra in Sillicon Valley Program Mentor, 7x24 Exchange University Challenge Mentor, SEAS Advanced Summer Program in Research Mentor, SEAS Curriculum Committee, SEAS Faculty Search Committee, Hofstra ACM Student Chapter Mentor