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Chapter 1: Unambiguous LR Grammar for Simple Calculator.

Please note that this tutorial has been rewritten for Rustlr version 0.3, Parsers created since version 0.1.3 remain compatible. The original version of this chapter is available here.

This tutorial is written for those with sufficient background in computer science and in Rust programming, with some knowledge of context free grammars and basic bottom-up parsing concepts. Those who are already familiar with similar LR parser generation tools may wish to skip to the more advanced example in Chapter 2 or Chapter 4.

The tutorial will start with a sample grammar.

valuetype i32
nonterminals E T F
terminals + * ( ) num
topsym E

E --> E:e + T:t { e.value + t.value }
E --> T:t { t.value }
T --> T:(t) * F:(f) { t*f }
T --> F:(f) { f }
F --> ( E:e )  { e.value }
F --> num:n { n.value }

lexvalue num Num(n) (n as i32)


These are the contents of a Rustlr grammar file, called test1.grammar. This classic example of LR parsing is found in virtually all compiler textbooks. It is an unambiguous grammar. After you cargo install rustlr you can produce a LALR parser from this grammar file with:

rustlr test1.grammar

The first and the only required argument to the executable is the path of the grammar file. Optional arguments (after the grammar path) that can be given to the executable are:

The generated parser will be a program test1parser.rs that contains a make_parser function. If the -genlex option is used, it will also contain a struct test1lexer that implements the Tokenizer. RustLr will derive the name of the grammar (test1) from the file path, unless there is a declaration of the form

grammarname somename

in the grammar spec, in which case the parser generated will be called "somenameparser.rs". The parser must import some elements of rustlr so it should be used in a crate. We will come back to how to use the generated parser later.


The first line in the grammar specification:

valuetype i32

(alternatively absyntype i32) defines the type of value returned by the parser. In most cases that would be some enum that defines an abstract syntax tree, but here we will just calculate an i32 value. The default valuetype (if none declared) is (), unit.

The valuetype you choose must implement the Default trait.

RustLr requires that all grammar symbols be defined before any production rules using multiple "nonterminals" or "terminals" directives.

Top Nonterminal

topsym E

You should designate one particular non-terminal symbol as the top symbol: The parser generator will always create an extra production rule of the form START --> topsym EOF

Grammar Production Rules

You will get an error message if the grammar symbols are not defined before the grammar rules. Each rule is indicated by a non-terminal symbol followed by -->, or ==>. The symbol ==> is for rules that span multiple lines that you will find used in other grammars (later chapters). You can specify multiple production rules with the same left-hand side nonterminal using | which you will also find used in other grammars.

The right hand side of each rule must separate each symbol with whitespaces. For each grammar symbol such as E, you can optionally bind a "label" such as E:a, E:(a), E:@pattern@ or E:v@pattern@. Each type of binding carries a different meaning and affects how they will be used in the semantic action part of the rule. The grammar used in this Chapter will only use the first two forms: a and (a).

The right-hand side of a rule may be empty, which will make the non-terminal on the left side of --> "nullable".


Each rule can optionally end with a semantic action inside { and }, which can only follow all grammar symbols making up the right-hand side of the production rule. This is a piece of Rust code that will be injected verbatim into the generated parser. This code will have access to any labels associated with the symbols defined using ":". In a label such as E:e, e is of type StackedItem, which includes the following fields:

However, if we are only interested in the .value of the label, we can also capture the value directly using the form demonstrated by T:(t): in this case t refers only to the .value of the popped StackedItem. In case the valuetype can be described by an irrefutable pattern, such as (i32,i32), a label such as E:(a,b) can also used to directly capture the value. The other kinds of labels (with the @ symbol) will be described in the next chapter.

The semantic action code must return a value of type valuetype (in this case i32). If no semantic action is given, then a default one is created that just returns valuetype::default(), which is why the valuetype must implement the Default trait. Here's an example, taken from the generated parser, of how the code is injected:

rule.Ruleaction = |parser|{ let mut t = parser.popstack(); let mut _item1_ = parser.popstack(); let mut e = parser.popstack();  e.value + t.value };

This is the semantic action generated from the rule

 E --> E:e + T:t { e.value + t.value }

Notice that if a symbol carries no label, then rustlr generates a name _item{n}_ for it. The parser generator is not responsible if you write an invalid semantic action that's rejected by the Rust compiler. Within the { } block, you may also call other actions on the parser, including reporting error messages and telling the parser to abort. However, you should not try to "pop the stack" or change the parser state in other ways: leave that to the generated code.


A lexical scanner (aka "tokenizer", "lexer", etc) can either be created manually by implementing the Tokenizer trait, or be generated automatically from a minimal set of declarations using the built-in StrTokenizer. This tokenizer makes zero-copy of the source. It is capable of recognizing multi-line string literals and comments, alphanumeric and non alpha-numeric symbols, decimal and hexadecimal constants, floating point constants. It also has the option of returning newline and whitespaces (with count) as tokens. It returns the starting line and column numbers of each recognized token. But it has limitations and may not be the best tokenizer for every scenario. The process of adopting another tokenizer for use by a Rustlr parser will be covered in a speparate chapter.

For this grammar, a lexer is generated from a single declaration

lexvalue num Num(n) (n as i32)

This line states that a token of the form RawToken::Num(n) should be recognized as the terminal grammar symbol "num", carrying semantic value (n as i32) - because in Num(n), n is of type i64 and the semantic value attached to each grammar symbol must be of the declared absyntype (valuetype). The rest of the lexical scanner is derived from the declarations of terminal symbols in the grammar.

To understand what declarations are needed to generate a lexer in general, the reader should become familiar with RawToken. This is what StrTokenizer returns. The RawToken enum contains the following principal variants:

The most important lexer-generation directive is lexvalue. For every terminal symbol in the grammar that carries a (non-default) semantic value, typically numerical and string literals, a lexvalue directive is needed to identify the corresponding RawToken that represents the terminal and how to translate the RawToken's value to the valuetype/absyntype value to be associated with the terminal symbol. The lexvalue directive must identify the name of the terminal symbol, the RawToken form, and the valuetype form that should be recreated from the RawToken.

Besides lexvalue, there are two other lexer-generation directives, lexname, which allows the mapping of a reserved symbol such as { to a terminal symbol (see below), and lexattribute which allows the customization of the scanner. Further usage of these directives can be found in other chapters and examples.

Please note that malformed lexattribute declarations will only result in errors when the generated parser is compiled.

The generated lexer is a struct called test1lexer alongside the make_parser() function inside the generated parser file. One creates a mutable instance of the lexer using the generated test1lexer::from_str and test1lexer::from_source functions.

Here is the main.rs associated with this grammar, which forms a simple calculator. Its principal contents creates a parser, a lexer, and invokes the parser on the first command-line argument.

mod test1parser;
use test1parser::*;
fn main() {
  let mut input = "5+2*3";
  let args:Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect(); // command-line args
  if args.len()>1 {input = &args[1];}
  let mut parser1 = make_parser(); // calls function in mod test1parser
  let mut tokenizer1 = test1lexer::from_str(input); //creates lexer
  let result = parser1.parse(&mut tokenizer1);
  println!("result after parsing {}: {}",input,result);  

Alternatively, we can choose to create a test1lexer from another source, such as a file, with:

let source = rustlr::LexSource::new("file path").unwrap();
let mut tokenizer1 = test1lexer::from_source(&source);

An instance of the runtime parser is created by calling the make_parser function. Once a lexer has also been created, parsing can commence by calling

 `parser1.parse(&mut tokenizer1)`

This function will return a value of type valuetype. It will return a valuetype-value even if parsing failed (but error messages will be printed). After .parse returns, you can also check if an error had occurred by calling parser1.error_occurred() before deciding to use the valuetype result that was returned.

An alternative way to invoke the parser is to call

let result = parse_with(&mut parser1, &mut tokenizer1)
.unwrap_or_else(|x|{println!("Parsing errors occurred; results not guaranteed");

The parse_with function returns a Result<T,T> where T is the valuetype/absyntype.

To run the program, cargo new a new crate and copy the contents of main.rs and test1parser.rs to src/main.rs and src/test1parser.rs respectively. Add to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

rustlr = "0.3"  

cargo run "2+3*4" will print 14 and cargo run "(2+3)*4" will print 20.

Reserved Symbols

The following terminal symbols are reserved and should not be used in a grammar:

 EOF  ANY_ERROR  _WILDCARD_TOKEN_  :  |  @  {  }  -->  ::=  ==>  <==  _

The following symbols should also NOT be used as non-terminals in your grammar:

START valuetype absyntype grammarname resync resynch topsym errsym 
nonterminal terminal nonterminals terminals lexvalue lexname typedterminal
left right externtype externaltype lifetime lexattribute
any symbol starting with `SEQ` or `NEW..NT` may potentially, but unlikely, cause conflict.

For example, if ":" is to be one of the terminal symbols of your language, then you should call it something like COLON instead in the grammar. You will then adopt your lexical analyzer so that ":" is translated to COLON. This can be accomplished with the directive (if generating a lexer automatically):

lexname COLON :

This directive is equivalent to

lexvalue COLON Symbol(":") <valuetype>::default()

where valuetype refers to the declared valuetype. Underneath, the ":" symbol is translated into a TerminalToken with .sym="COLON" before sending the token to the parser. If you want to treat a whitespace as a token your lexer must similarly translate whitespaces. For automatic lexer generation, use something like the following:

lexvalue WHITESPACE Whitespace(n) value

assuming that WHITESPACE is a declared terminal symbol and "value" is the value you want to be associated with the symbol (usually this is just the valuetype::default()). Whitespace(n) is a variant of RawToken.

It is possible to combine a lexname declaration with the declaration of a terminal symbol with

lexterminal COLON :

The symbol START and terminal EOF will always be added as additional symbols to the grammar. The other symbols that should not be used for non-terminals are for avoiding clash with grammar directives.

The following identifiers (variable names) are reserved and should only be used carefully from within the semantic actions of a grammar production (rust code inside {}s):

A self-contained example

Most rustlr projects will consist of mulitple files: the .grammar file, a module defining the abstract syntax type, a module defining a lexical analyzer, the generated parser as another module, and presumably a main to launch the program. In this additional example, enough code has been injected into the .grammar so that rustlr can generate a relatively self-contained program, that includes a lexer and a main, and illustrates a few extra features of Rustlr.