This directory contains several versions of the normalization procedure which can be copied to the file hnorm.c hnorm.original: consistent with the Teyjus-b33 distribution. Performs head normalization with explicit suspensions (no implicit suspensions) and annotations. Uses SL stack instead of explicit recursion same as above but without using annotations. All other versions in this directory have the new recursive style procedures with some use of implicit suspensions. comb_hnorm.c: head normalization that creates explicit suspension terms when necessary. does not use annotations. comb_an_hnorm.c: head normalization that creates explicit suspension terms when necessary. Uses annotations. full_hnorm.c: full normalization without annotations. This is the "non-naive" version that does not normalize the arguments of head normal forms under empty environments. Will combine substitutions when reducing a single term. full_an_hnorm.c: full normalization with annotations. Also uses the "non-naive" strategy as above. imp_hnorm.c: head normalization using implicit suspensions only. no annotations. imp_an_hnorm.c: head normalization using implicit suspensions only. with annotations. lam_norm.c: naive full normalization without annotations. lam_an_norm.c: naive full normalization with annotations. full_nomerge: non-naive full normalization without annotations and merging reductions. exp_hnorm.c + exp_hnormlocal.h: head normalization, explicit substitutions, eager commitment, no annotation ---- Variation concerning De Bruijn representation ------- comb_sc_hnorm.c: same as comb_hnorm.c but counts total number of substitutions, non-trivial renumbering substitutions, and number of beta redexes. full_sc_hnorm.c: same as full_hnorm.c but counts total number of substitutions, non-trivial renumbering substitutions, and number of beta redexes. comb_ea_hnorm.c: same as comb_sc_hnorm.c but eagerly head normalizes skeleton of (implicit) suspension in case nl>0. full_ea_hnorm.c: same as full_sc_hnorm.c but eagerly head normalizes skeleton of (implicit) suspension in case nl>0.