CSC17 Final Programming Assignment. You are to implement the A* search algorithm on a hexagonal grid as described in class. I've provided you with enough code so you can focus on the basic algorithm. These instructions assume that you were present during the classroom presentation and understand Dijkstra's Algorithm. DATA STRUCTURES OVERVIEW: We must represent the "interior" and the "frontier" of Dijkstra's Algorithm efficiently so that the algorithm will run in the expected O(n*log n) time. The recommendation, and the base code, assumes that: 1. The hexagonal map is represented by a 2D array int[][] M. The value of each M[y][x] represents the type of terrain (1=land, 3=water, etc). There is also a "costof" vector that indicates the cost of each type of terrain. ** Coordinates are always given with y first, then x ** 1. Each "node" in the search graph is represented by a "coord" object, containing x,y coordinates, its cost to source and estimated cost to destination. Each coord object will also indicate its "parent" coordinates on the path back to source, along with other information. 2. The frontier is represented by a PriorityHeap (minheap) of coord objects that has the ability to "reposition" objects when their priorities change. I have provided you with my PriorityHeap class. 3. However, one disadvantage of priority heaps is that search is still O(n). So in addition to the heap, we will also have a 2D array coord[][] PATH, so coord objects can be looked up by y,x coordinates. Keep in mind that the array contains *pointers* to objects, so the priority heap and the 2D array can point to the same set of objects. 4. For the interior, instead of another data structure we just keep a boolean flag 'interior' inside each coord object. Thus given y,x coordinates, we can lookup PATH[y][x]. If this value is null, that means we've never encountered this coordinate (so we need to add one). If PATH[y][x].interior==true, then this coordinate is on the interior (and we do nothing). Otherwise, PATH[y][x] is on the frontier which means that there may yet be a better way to get to y,x from the source. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First, download all relevant files (in .zip), including gifs and jpeg images from the homepage into a separate folder. You need to understand carefully certain parts of the ** file and the ** file. ***1. The coord class represents "nodes" in our search graph. coord objects are designed to be referenced both from a 2D array (coord[][] PATH in astar_base class), and a PriorityHeap class with a "reposition" method, and thus implement HeapValue. public class coord implements HeapValue { int y, x; // map coordinates this object corresponds to int estcost; // total cost, including knowncost and estimate*** int knowncost; // known cost from source, excluding estimate boolean interior = false; int parent_y, parent_x; // coordinates of parent node on path from root coord(int a, int b) {y=a; x=b; parent_y=parent_x=-1; } public void set_parent(coord parent) { parent_y = parent.y; parent_x = parent.x; } public void set_terminus() { parent_y = -1; parent_x = -1; // root node only } public boolean is_terminus() { return parent_y<0 && parent_x<0; } public void copy_from(coord B) //replace information with those from B { // but retain heap index info (before reposition) y = B.y; x = B.x; estcost = B.estcost; knowncost = B.knowncost; interior = B.interior; parent_x = B.parent_x; parent_y = B.parent_y; }//copy @Override public boolean equals(Object oc) // conforms to old java specs { if (oc==null || !(oc instanceof coord)) return false; coord c = (coord)oc; return (x==c.x && y==c.y); } // should also override hashCode if overriding equals, but // we're not going to be use hashing public int compareTo(coord c) // compares cost (not same as .equals) { return estcost - c.estcost; } // for HeapValue interface, allows repositioning once estcost changes protected int Hi=-1; // index in heap (for HeapValue interface) public int getIndex() { return Hi; } public void setIndex(int i) { Hi=i; } } // coord (contents of It's very important that you understand: * knowncost represents the cost accumulated so far on the path from the source coord to the current coord (y,x). * estcost should represent knowncost + estimated cost to the target. The suggested way to estimate is to use the astar_base.hexdist function. * All coord objects must be placed in the coord[][] PATH array. The parent_y,parent_x coordinates allows you to lookup the "parent" coord object in the array. There is no parent if .is_terminus() is true. * compareTo(coord c): this method implements the interface Comparable. It compares the .estcost between 'this' and c. NOTE ALSO that this function is not compatible with equals: A.compareTo(B)==0 if coords A and B have the same estcost measure, but A.equals(B)==true if A, B have the same x,y values. * interior boolean flag indicates if node belongs to the interior or frontier * the method 'copy_from' copies info from a coord object into 'this' object, but does not copy the HeapValue index, so we can change its position in a priority heap that has the ability to 'reposition.' ***2. In the astar_base class, code has already been written (in the constructor) to generate a random map containing land (grassy texture), water and fire. You shouldn't have to touch this unless you add another type of terrain (see optional challenges). The following CRITICAL structures are declared in the astar_base class that you will inherit in your myastar subclass: int[][] M; // the map with value=terrain type coord[][] PATH; // array of coord objects int ROWS, COLS; // size of both M and PATH arrays Initially, each PATH[y][x] is null, as that's the default when arrays are created. For the base program, the values in M are 0 for open land, 3 for water and 2 for fire. Values 1 and others are not currently used. public static int[] DY = Hexagon.DY; public static int[][] DX = Hexagon.DX; Although the map is a 2D array, each array cell is treated as a hexagon which means that it has six immediate neighbors. The Hexagon class (in extends java.awt.Polygon. The neighbors are designated in order west, northwest, northeast, east, southeast, and southwest. The vector DY defines the row coordinate displacement: so given current row coordinate y, y+DY[5] will give the row coordinate of its southwest neighbor. The column (DX) displacement is more complicated because it's different for even and odd rows. Therefore DX is defined as a 2D int[][] array with two vectors: the first (0th) vector is to be used if the current row coordinate is 0 or even, and the second (1st) vector is to be used if the current row coordinate is odd. Thus, if the current row is y and the current column is x, then x+DX[y%2][5] will give the column coordinate of the southwest neighbor. **As usual, you must always check if y,x stay within bounds**. int[] costof = {1,0,8000,8}; // cost vector public void setcosts(int l, int d, int f, int w) // call to change costs The costof vector indicates the cost of each type of terrain. This means, for example, that the cost of land is 1 and the cost of water is 8. The cost of going to a map coordinate y,x is costof[M[y][x]]. *A cost of -1 means that the terrain type is impassable.* public static int hexdist(int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2) {...} This function conservatively estimates the shortest distance between two coordinates in the hexagonal grid. This function can be used to calculate the heuristic estimate that's part of algorithm A*. public coord makeneighbor(coord p, int y, int x, int ty, int tx) This is a convenient function that you might find useful, but you need to study carefully how it works in order to use it in the right way. -------------------- WHAT YOU NEED TO WRITE ---------------------------- ***You must write a 'class myastar extends astar_base'. A template has been created in You must call the subclass "myastar" because that's referred to in ALL your code must be in this class. You need to @Override public Optional search(int sy, int sx, int ty, int tx) This method should find an optimal path from the source coordinates sy,sx to the destination coordinates ty,tx. You need to construct a coord object with y,x=ty,tx, and with parenty,parentx set that leads back to a coord with y,x=sy,sx. The parenty,parentx coordinates should "point" to another coord objects on the coord[][]PATH array. ***Your search function will either return Optional.of(the coord object with ty,tx), or Optional.empty() if there is no solution. If some terrain has cost -1, then there may be no solution. My pathfinder program will then use this information to produce an animation. **The animation doesn't run until you have found the entire path.** You must implement the A* algorithm that runs in O(6*n*log n) time. Pseudocode Outline: public Optional search(int sy, int sx, int ty, int tx) { ... insert a new coord(sy,sx) representing the start node, into the frontier. Declare a coord pointer "current". while (frontier is not empty) { set "current" to frontier coord with lowest estcost (poll) move current from frontier to interior. stop loop if current.y==ty && current.x==tx. (return current) for each of the (up to) six neighbors of the current node { ny=current.y + DY[direction index] nx=current.x + DX[current.y%2][direction index] check if ny,nx are within bounds 0..ROWS, 0..COLS... coord neighbor = new coord(ny,nx); set the neighbor's "parent" to coordinates of current. set neighbor.knowncost to cost of terrain (costof[M[ny][nx]]) + current.knowncost calculate neighbor.estcost using neighbor.knowncost and hexdist. if PATH[ny][nx]==null : add neighbor to frontier (heap and PATH) else if PATH[ny][nx].interior==true: do nothing else (PATH[ny][nx].interior==false) : compare the new neighbor coord's estcost with the existing one (PATH[ny][nx]). If the neighbor has lower cost, **copy** the information from neighbor into the existing coord (PATH[ny][nx]), and call reposition on the priority heap. }//for } // while }//search Additionally, You can customize the cost vector in the 'void customize()` function: follow the samples in the skeleton. ================================================================== **********--------Running the program...---------*********** javac *.java (in project directory) Run with java myastar (or java pathfinder): The program will generate a new map, run your search function and save map and starting positions in Run with java myastar will now load map, starting positions and cost vector from specified file. You can rename to something else if you wish to save it. Run with java myastar nocost will now load map and positions, but NOT the cost vector from a file. This way you can see how different terrain costs will affect the same map. Run with java myastar download "your name, 702111111" will download a map configuration from the professor's server, and upload the coord path you create back to the server. Place in one string argument both your name and Hofstra ID. The server will reply with a message indicating if your path is correct or has some problem that needs to be fixed. If download fails (because the server is not currently running or is too busy), it will revert to generating a new map. map config will be saved in regardless of it was downloaded or generated. Rename the file so you can test it locally. There are 7 different map/cost configurations on the server. Please note that the server is only reachable within Hofstra because of Hofstra's firewalls. The server may be down during some class times. If you do not give accurate information (name, ID number) to the server, you may be blocked from further connections. -------------------------------------------- Graphical Adjustments. Much of graphics code in is rather fragile and will break easily if you change it. You should concentrate on Algorithm A*. There are a few adjustments you can make, such as the size of the graphical hexagons (the default is 24), which will also affect the size of the window. There are some static variables that can be change by overriding the `void customize()` function - follow the instructions (in comments) in the skeleton. Furthermore, the main of can be given 2 integer arguments indicating the number of rows and columns of the matrix to generate: java myastar 20 30 -- will create a 20x30 hexagonal grid. If you wish to make further changes, such as the graphical gifs, you will have to change You may not change any other posted file besides, and you take full responsibility for changing it *** Do not ask the professor for help if something goes wrong because you changed Revert to the original. -------------------------------------------- CHALLENGE: Build a road. You can use the unused terrain type (doesn't have to be desert). The cost of traveling on the road needs to be significantly less than all other types of terrain, so your figure should find the road and use it frequently. It may be hard to generate the road randomly so just hand code it onto the existing map (just need a straight line). Find appropriate images to represent the road and the human on the road. You can change only if you do this part, and only change the images that are loaded. You shouldn't have to change astar_base: just build the road on top of the existing map in your subclass. MEGACHALLENGE: Build docks next to water. Travel on water should only be possible between docks. GIGACHALLEGE: Currently there is only one "player" that's trying to find the target. You can have two (or more) players. Each player will try to reach the same target from a different starting point and with a different cost vector. This option will require major and careful changes to Try to make the modifications to the program inside subclasses as much as reasonable. The optional challenges may not work with the pathfinder download feature, so don't attempt them before you have finished checking your basic program.