Installing and Using SSH (do after installing python using pacman or brew) SSH stands for "secureshell", a program that allows you to remotely log in to another host, and to transfer files once logged in. If you have a Mac or are running Linux, then this utility should already be installed. On a PC running windows, you can also use the 'pacman' program to install additional software. In the msys command window execute pacman -S openssh This will install a "ssh client," which allows you to log into machines that are also running an "ssh server," which you don't need right now. If by some chance you have a MAC but don't have ssh (type ssh on the command line to see if it recognizes the command), you can install it using the same 'brew' tool that you used to install python: brew install openssh USING SSH and SFTP The two command line programs that are installed with openssh are ssh and sftp. ssh allows you to remotely log in to a server and execute shell commands, while sftp allows you to transfer files. SSH: Type ssh -l username -p 5010 If this ip address doesn't work try one of the following: Each of these ip addresses belongs to one of the workstations in Adams 204, and you can find your home directory 'mounted' on any of them. You'll be prompted for your password. After you log in you will get the $ shell prompt where you can enter shell commands such as cd, ls, pwd, etc. you can also run python3.4. However, you will only be able to use a command-based editor. Type emacs -nw filename to start emacs text-only mode. To use emacs in this mode you will have to know the keyboard commands for emacs: Cntrl-xs: save file (hold down control key and type xs) Cntrl-xf: find/open file Cntrl-xb: switch between buffers Cntrl-x2: splits window (Cntrl-x1 makes it a single window again) Cntrl-g: reset (do this when something goes wrong) Cntrl-p: move cursor up (can also use arrow keys) Cntrl-n: move cursor down Cntrl-f: move cursor right Cntrl-b: move cursor left Cntrl-v: page down Esc-v: page up Cntrl-k: erase line of text, saves in buffer Cntrl-y: pastes text saved in buffer: Cntrl-s: search for a piece of text Esc-x, then type 'goto-l' at the bottom to jump to a line number. Esc % : query replace text with other text (type esc and then %) Cntrl-x u : undo last edit (Control-x, then u separately) Cntrl-xc: quit emacs (return to shell) To log out from the ssh session, type exit SFTP This program allows you to transfer files between a ssh client and a ssh server. In the shell prompt type sftp -P 5010 username@ after logging in, you will get a 'sftp>' prompt. Here are some commands you can use under the prompt: pwd : prints current directory in the REMOTE machine lpwd: prints current directory in the LOCAL machine (your own machine) cd : change directory on the remote machine lcd: change directory on the local machine After getting to the right directories remotely and locally: get filename : download a file from remote to local put filename : upload a file from local to remote exit : quits sftp session (returns to shell). Please practice these skills.