CSC123 : Pizza Assignment Due Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. Please write the following programs in Pizza. The sample program "" has compilation instrutions. Use lots of napkins; don't make a mess. 1. Looking at the code for polymorphic linked lists I gave you, define a type for polymorphic binary trees. You can choose to use either null pointers or a single static (shared) nil node to represent the leafs of the tree. Also define polymorphic methods to: a. print the tree in a post-order traversal b. find depth of the tree (length of longest branch). : algorithm hint: recursively find the longest branches of the left and right subtrees. 2. This part requires another ability that Pizza adds to Java: static polymorphic functions and the ability to inline functions. Given two functions: f of type B->C and g of type A->B, their composition F o G is defined as FoG(x) = F(G(x)). The type of the composed function is naturally A->C. Write a (static) polymorphic pizza function that takes two functions and return a *function* that represents their composition. public static ... 3. (optional) The S combinator is lambda x. lambda y. lambda z. (x z) (y z). What is the generic type of this function? It is possible to derive it's type. Let me show you the first few steps: Since there are 3 lambdas in front, we know that the form of the type is generally a -> b -> c -> d (-> associates to the right) and that x:a (x has type a), y:b, and z:c. but x is applied to z, so a = c->e for some e (remember z has type c). similary, y is applied to z, so b = c->f for some f. At this point, we know that: x : c -> e y : c -> f z : c So the entire term S has a type of the *form* (c->e) -> (c->f) -> c -> d But we're not done. There are still other contraints that can be applied to further pin down the type. Derive the general type of S, and write it as a (static) polymorphic function in Pizza. The type you derive is going to be a true proposition (a tautology), which the temporary form above is not.