// shift-reduce parser for online calculator (* Ambiguous context-free grammer: E := var of string | // not used at first val of float | E + E | E * E | E - E | E / E | (E);; - E; // unary minus - reduce-reduce precedence //( will have highest precedence - reduce, don't shift negative values will be handled by the tokenizer input stream of tokens will be represented as an array, from C# program global index will point to the next token. parse stack will be a list of expressions, starting with empty stack. left-side is tos. IMPROVMENTS MADE 11/2013: float replaced by int - will do integer ops only (clearer) Changes mostly to the lexical scanner. Operator symbols can now have more than one character. White spaces are ignored. Hash table used to make it easier to add new operators. Binop and Unaryop replaces Plusexp, Uminusexp, etc, but you may need to add others (Ifexp need three parameters). Look for commented out lines that show what changes are needed to add a new operator. *) open System;; open Microsoft.FSharp.Math;; open System.Text.RegularExpressions;; open System.Collections.Generic;; ///////// Lexical Symbol Specification // use regular expression to represent possible operator symbols: let mutable operators = "([()\+\-\*/]|\s|and|or)";; // use hash table (Dictionary) to associate each operator with precedence let prectable = Dictionary();; prectable.["+"] <- 200; prectable.["-"] <- 300; prectable.["*"] <- 400; prectable.["/"] <- 500; prectable.["("] <- 900; prectable.[")"] <- 20; // function to add new operator (as regex string) with precedence (int) let newoperator (s:string) prec = let n = operators.Length let prefix = operators.Substring(0,n-1) operators <- prefix + "|" + s + ")" if s.[0]='\\' then prectable.[s.Substring(1,s.Length-1)] <- prec else prectable.[s] <- prec;; //sample usage of newoperator function: //newoperator @"&&" 650;; // use @ before string or use "\^" (explict escape) //Console.WriteLine(string(prectable.["&&"]));; // check if success //newoperator @"^" 600;; ///////// ABSTRACT SYNTAX // expr folds in both expressions and tokens from the lexer type expr = Val of int | Binop of (string*expr*expr) | Unaryop of (string*expr) | Sym of String | EOF;; // proper expression check (shallow) let proper = function | Val(_) -> true | Binop(s,_,_) when prectable.ContainsKey(s) -> true | Unaryop(s,_) when prectable.ContainsKey(s) -> true | _ -> false; let rec eval = function // type is expr -> int | Val(v) -> v | Binop("+",a,b) -> eval a + eval b // nolonger Plus(a,b) | Binop("*",a,b) -> eval a * eval b | Binop("-",a,b) -> eval a - eval b | Binop("/",a,b) -> eval(a) / eval(b) | Unaryop("-",a) -> -1 * eval(a) // | Binop("^",a,b) -> int(Math.Pow(float(eval a),float(eval b))) | _ -> (printf "error in eval\n"; 0);; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// (* LEXICAL ANALYSER (LEXER) *) // Take input string, hard-coded examples //let inp = "7+3*2";; // testing operator precedence //let TS = [|Val(7);Sym("+");Val(3);Sym("*");Val(2);EOF|];; Console.Write("Enter expression to be evaluated: ");; let inp = Console.ReadLine();; // get user input let s2 = Regex.Split(inp,operators);; // now build list of tokens let maketoken x = try Val(int x) // exception handling in F# with | exp -> Sym(x);; let rec tokenize (s2:string []) = function | i when i let t = s2.[i].Trim() if (t<>"") then maketoken(s2.[i])::(tokenize s2 (i+1)) else tokenize s2 (i+1) | _ -> [EOF];; let TS = tokenize s2 0;; printfn "token stream: %A" TS;; let mutable TI = 0;; // global index for TS stream;; /////////////////// /////////////////// ////////////////////////// SHIFT-REDUCE PARSER //////////////////////// let precedence = function | Val(_) -> 100 | Sym(s) when prectable.ContainsKey(s) -> prectable.[s] | EOF -> 10 | _ -> 0;; // check for precedence and proper expressions let precheck(a,b,e1,e2) = let (pa,pb) = (precedence(a),precedence(b)) (pa > pb) && proper(e1) && proper(e2);; // problem: this is right associative // parse takes parse stack and lookahead; default is shift // unify reduction of all binary operator expressions: let binops = ["+";"-";"*";"/"];; // list of all binary operators let rec parse = function | ([e],EOF) when proper(e) -> e // base case, returns an expression | (Sym(")")::e1::Sym("(")::t, la) when precheck(Sym("("),la,e1,e1) -> parse (e1::t,la) | (e2::Sym(op)::e1::cdr,la) when (List.exists (fun x->x=op) binops) && precheck(Sym(op),la,e1,e2) -> let e = Binop(op,e1,e2) parse(e::cdr,la) // | (e2::Sym("^")::e1::t, la) when precheck(Sym("^"),la,e1,e2) -> // let e = Binop("^",e1,e2) in parse(e::t,la) | (e1::Sym("-")::t, la) when precheck(Sym("-"),la,e1,e1) -> // "rrc" let e = Unaryop("-",e1) in parse (e::t,la) | (st,la) when (TI < TS.Length-1) -> (TI <- TI+1; // shift! printf "shift: %A\n" st; // trace let newla = TS.[TI] in parse (la::st,newla)) | (st,la) -> printf "parsing error: %A\n" (la::st); EOF;; //////// RUN let ee = parse([],TS.[0]);; let v = eval ee;; printf "value of %s = %d\n" inp v;;