/* This simple lexical analyzer distinguishes between keywords, symbols, alphanumeric words, integer, floating-point and string literals. New keywords can be added to the default with the addKeyword function. Multi-character symbols such as "==", "!=", etc can be added to the defaults with the addMultichar function. There are two constructors to the simpleLexer class: One takes a single string and splits the string using the regular expression operators_re. The other constructor takes a string representing a file name and a 'end-of-file' symbol that is inserted into the string at the end of each line (unless it's set to null, which is the usual case). It reads all lines from the file into an array of lines. The next() function will go to the next line and update the linenum() attribute as needed. The next() function returns null if no more tokens are available. Otherwise, it returns a lexToken object with the token_type set to one of: "Symbol" (non-alphanumeric symbols such as *, +, ==, etc ) "Keyword" (while, if ,else, etc) "Alphanumeric" (alphanumeric x, x1, etc) "Integer" (base-10 non-negative integers, - is a separate symbol) "Float" (non-negative doubles 3.15) "StringLiteral" (double-quoted strings without nested ""'s) with the token_value set to the object of the appropriate type. */ using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections.Generic; public interface absLexer { lexToken next(); // returns null at eof int linenum(); // translator to particular grammar lexToken translate_token(lexToken t); } public class lexToken { public string token_type; public object token_value; public lexToken(string t, object v) {token_type=t; token_value=v;} public override string ToString() {return token_type+"("+token_value+")";} } public class simpleLexer : absLexer { public static string operators_re = "([()\\+\\-\\*/:;%^<>!,$~]|\\s|\\[|\\]|{|}|=|\"[^\"]*\")"; // should not contain . in order to recognize floats public string endofline = null; //"ENDL"; // optional endofline marker // special string to mark new line // should not be confused with other classes of tokens in object-language. public char commentchar = '#'; // lines starting with this are ignored string[] keywords = {"if","else","while","let","for","lambda"}; string[] multichar_syms = {"==","<=",">=","!=", "++","--","&&","||"}; HashSet kwhash = new HashSet(); Dictionary mshash = new Dictionary(); public void addKeyword(string kw) { kwhash.Add(kw); } public void addMultichar(string ms) { if (ms.Length>1) mshash[ms[0]] = ms.Substring(1,ms.Length-1); //Console.WriteLine("adding ms "+ms[0]+" to "+ms.Substring(1,ms.Length-1)); } protected string[] lines; protected string[] ssplit; protected int ti=0; // token position in ssplit protected int linenumber=0; // subtract 1 to use as index public simpleLexer(string s) // make lexer from string { foreach (string kw in keywords) addKeyword(kw); foreach (string ms in multichar_syms) addMultichar(ms); lines = new string[1]; lines[0] = s; linenumber = 1; ssplit = Regex.Split(s,operators_re); }//constructor public simpleLexer(string filename, string eof) // read from file { foreach (string kw in keywords) addKeyword(kw); foreach (string ms in multichar_syms) addMultichar(ms); endofline = eof; lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename); linenumber = 0; newline(); //ssplit = Regex.Split(line[0],operators_re); }//constructor from file bool newline() //goto next line { string s = ""; while (linenumber0 && s[0]!=commentchar) { if (endofline!=null && endofline.Length>1) s = s+ " " + endofline; ssplit = Regex.Split(s,operators_re); ti = 0; // token index in ssplit return true; } else return false; }//newline static bool alphabetical(char x) => (x >=65 && x<=90) || (x>=97 && x<=122); public virtual lexToken next() { string tok = ""; if (ssplit==null) return null; while (tok==null || tok.Length<1) { if (ti>=ssplit.Length) { if (!newline()) return null; } else tok = ssplit[ti++].Trim(); } lexToken ax = new lexToken("Symbol",tok); try { if (kwhash.Contains(tok)) {ax = new lexToken("Keyword",tok); } else if (tok[0]=='\"' && tok[tok.Length-1]=='\"') { ax = new lexToken("StringLiteral", tok); } else if (alphabetical(tok[0])) {ax = new lexToken("Alphanumeric",tok);} else if ((int)tok[0]==(int)'.' || ((int)tok[0]>=48 && (int)tok[0]<=57)) { try { int n = int.Parse(tok); ax = new lexToken("Integer",n); } catch (Exception) { ax= new lexToken("Float", double.Parse(tok)); } } else if (tok.Length==1 && ti0) ax = argv[0]; absLexer scanner = new simpleLexer(ax); lexToken token; do { token = scanner.next(); if (token!=null) Console.WriteLine("lexToken: "+token); } while (token!=null); try { Console.WriteLine("\ntesting file input from lexertest.txt.."); scanner = new simpleLexer("lexertest.txt",null); do { token = scanner.next(); if (token!=null) Console.WriteLine("Token from file: "+token); } while (token!=null); Console.WriteLine("line number at "+scanner.linenum()); } catch (Exception) {Console.Error.WriteLine("lexertest.txt not found");} }//main }//simpleLexer /* sample run: $ mcs simpleLexer.cs $ mono simpleLexer.exe "let x2 = 10.0==(30-20); print(\"hello world\");" lexToken: Keyword(let) lexToken: Alphanumeric(x2) lexToken: Symbol(=) lexToken: Float(10) lexToken: Symbol(==) lexToken: Integer(30) lexToken: Symbol(-) lexToken: Integer(20) lexToken: Symbol(;) lexToken: Alphanumeric(print) lexToken: Symbol(() lexToken: StringLiteral("hello world") lexToken: Symbol()) lexToken: Symbol(;) */