CSC 7B/FC Programming Assignment. Due One Week From Date Assigned Study the program AM7B.fs, which implements "Abstract Machine AM7B" in F#. Compile (fsc/fsharpc) AM7B.fs and run the sample program test0.7b with (mono) AM7B.exe < test1.7b (feed file to stdin) You should see that the top of stack holds 17, which is the result of the computation. The assembler skips blank lines and lines that start with '#'. AM7B.fs has also been compiled into AM7B.dll, which you can use in your program (see below). The program as given can only handle test1.7b but not the other tests. Your assignment is to extend AM7B to a fuller set of instructions so that all tests can be executed (except for test2.7b, which is supposed to fail). In particular, you need to be able to handle the following new features New type of operand: [bx] refers to the memory content at location addressed by bx. Because of the way that your imaginary CPU is wired, only the bx register can be used to address memory, so [2] and [ax] are illegal operands. Type type definition of 'operand' already includes Mem, but note that in abstract syntax, [bx] is Mem(Reg("bx")). The Mem constructor takes another operand. We may in the future expand the instruction set to allow other forms of addressing (not just with register bx). In terms of the simulation, this operand refers to the value stored in RAM.[REGS.["bx"]]. New Types of Instructions (explained by example): idiv ax bx : This should have the effect of storing the quotient of bx/ax in : bx and the remainder in dx. dx thus serves a special purpose. : The destination register of this instruction cannot be dx. : idiv should be treated separately from the other ALU ops. add 3 bx : ALU operations can have an immediate (constant) source operand mov 3 ax : move immediate value to register (REGS.["ax"] <- 3) mov ax bx : move register to register (REGS.["bx"] <- REGS.["ax"]) mov ax [bx] : move register to memory location addressed by bx Only register bx can be used to address memory. mov [bx] ax : move from memory to register. Memory to memory ops are not allowed (this is a RISC machine) jnz 3 : jump to instruction 3 if the value in register cx is not zero (REGS.[2] <> 0). The first instruction is the 0th. jz 0 : jump to first instruction if cx holds value 0. With these instructions your machine becomes a true Turing Machine, with random access to memory and the ability to execute general algorithms. You may implement other instructions to prove that you're a hot shot engineer, but these are the minimum. Test your machine on test3.7b: (mono) machine.exe < test3.7b mov 8 bx mov 3 ax add 2 ax mov ax [bx] mov [bx] cx push cx This program should store 5 in RAM.[8] and push 5 on the stack ... and this program (test4.7b): mov 6 cx mov 1 ax imul cx ax sub 1 cx jnz 2 push ax This program calculates 6!, and leaves the answer (720) on the stack. You should also test your program against instructions that have errors: # stack underflow pop ax # illegal operands for move mov [3] [bx] # illegal destination for idiv idiv ax dx (strings can be compared using = and <>) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three levels to this assignment: 1. To get a C, you can edit the code in place. 2. To get a B, you can't touch my code (do not edit existing functions). You have to add your code modularly using the technique illustrated for aluop - by assigning lambda terms to functions that perform new operations while "inheriting" the original operations. There are three functions that you will need to extend: execute (this is the most important function) transoperand (currently does not recognize memory operands) translate (translates instructions into abstract syntax) For execute, the type definition of 'operation' already include the cases for MOV, JZ and JNZ instructions (we will talk about how to extend a type definition modularly later). You just need add cases to execute (modularly like it's done in the aluop example) to recognize these new instructions and perform the corresponding operation. Be careful when implmenting JZ and JNZ: study the executeProg function and note that the pc counter is incremented after the execution of each instruction. For transoperand, you just need to translate string "[bx]" into Mem(Reg("bx")), because [bx] is the only valid memory operand. Optionally, you can examine a string s more carefully with rule | s when s.[0]='[' && s.[s.Length-1]=']' && s.Substring(1,2)<>"bx" -> raise (Exception("illegal memory operand")) For translate, You need to recognize arrays of the forms [|"mov"; x; y|], [|"jz"; n|], and [|"jnz"; n|] and translate them into abstract instructions such as MOV(Imm(4),Reg("ax")). Use the AM7B.fs source code only as a reference. Do not use it in your code. Instead, download AM7B.dll, and write a new program with the following structure. open System; open CSC7B;; // ... add your code here trace_advice(run);; // add this as the last line, which will run program. // alternatively you can just call run() without tracing. and compile your program with fsc (fsharpc on mono) yourprogram.fs -r AM7B.dll And test it with (mono) yourprogram.exe < test4.7b etc.. The amount of code you need to write for this part of the assignment is about 50 lines. 3. To get an A, however, you must also implement "peephole optimization": Write a program that optimizes a (operation list) by replacing redundant code of the following forms: push ax pop bx --> replace with single instruction mov ax bx push ax pop ax --> eliminate altogether mov ax bx mov bx ax --> mov ax bx Challenge: sequences such as push 3 push 4 pop ax pop bx should be optimized into mov 4 ax mov 3 bx