Using the system for the first time
Step1: If the computer is off, press the power button on the front
of the system unit. Wait till the login screen appears.
Step2: Enter your login name and press the Return key on your keyboard.
If you do not know your login name, ask your instructor for it. The
lab tutor may also be able to help you find your login name. The
screen now displays the password screen. Your initial password is your
social security number, not including hyphens. Type in your password
and press the Return key again. See instructions below for
changing your password.
Step3: You will now see a blue screen with 2 choices. Select the
Common Desktop Environment option and click on the OK button.
From now on you will be prompted only for your login name and your password.
Know your enviroment
The display now turns a speckled blue. The rectangular box in the lower
portion is called the FRONT PANEL. It is a a tool box and
consists of several SUBPANELS, each containing a number of utility
program.The subpanels can be viewed by clicking on the upward facing arrows
shown on the top of the FRONT PANEL. To bring down a subpanel
double click the top left corner of the panel (which has a dash '-' sign
on it). A subpanel closes automatically when you select a program
from it. All users initially have the same set of subpanels.
You can, however, customize the contents of these subpanels.
Links subpanel: Clicking the first arrow above the world icon pops
up the LINKS subpanel. It contains utilities such as clock and a default
web browser called Hotjava.You can also search for a webpage usind
Find WEB page utility that opens up a search screen in the web browser.
Cards subpanel : This subpanel has an electronic calender for personal use and also has a phone directory utility. It is next to the Links panel and displays the current date as its icon
Files subpanel: This subpanel has a filing cabinet icon. It has shortcuts to the homefolder as well as utilities to open the floppy drive or a cd drive. The Properties item can be used to view properties of any file or assign permissions on a certain file.It also has utilities to Compress a file, Archive it or perform a file search for a particular file or a group of files
Applications subpanel: This subpanel displays a paper and pencil icon and has utilities to open a text editor (for writing small notes), a textnote pad utility for composing longer text documents (include C, C++ and other source files), and the Application Manager, which leads you to a number of other software applications and utilities.
Personal printers subpanel::This subpanel has utilities to view the printers attached to the network. It has a printer icon to it .
Tools subpanel: This subpanel has a mouse and font icon.
The Desktop Style manager allows you to change the appearance of
your display. Use it to change the color, fonts, backdrop and so
on of your display. The Customize Workspace Menu option
can be used to modify the programs that appear when you right-click the
mouse on the desktop.
Hosts subpanel : This subpanel has utilities to measure performance
of the system while running a certain program or application. The Console
can be opened through this utility by clicking on the Console icon. The
Find Host icon can be used o find for a Remote host present somewhere
on the network.
Help subpanel: This subpanel has a question mark
as its icon and contains utilities with documentation about the system
and its various features. It also has information about the various methods
that lead to a good usage of the system and its resources.
Trash subpanel: This is the systems waste basket and deleted
files are stored here. If the Trash can is emptied, all deleted files are
Changing your password
The password can be changed from the default one to one you wish. This
can be done as follows:
Step1: Click the upward pointing arrow on the front panel
that has 'cpu disk ' written on it.
A subpanel called HOSTS pops up.
Step2: Click on Console and a screen pos up .This is also
called a Terminal Screen.
Step3: Type the command: passwd and press enter.
The system asks for your old password so type it and press enter.
Step4: The system now requests your new password .
Type it such that there is at least 1 number in the first six characters
your pasword. press Enter and retype it again for confirmation.
Your password has now been changed.
This environment allows a user to work on several applications simultaneously
in different windows.This can be done by clicking the blue tabs
and FOUR on the front panel.Each virtual desktop has all the same
present in the first window.
This session enables a user to have a Windows95 environment
on a Sun Solaris
Step1: Open the Terminal window by clicking the cpu disk subpanel
arrow and clicking Console.
Step2: Type the command : mkdir pc and press Enter.
Step3: Type the command:cp /pci/.ini pc and press
Step4: Logout and log in again ,open the console window and
run the command: sunpci.
steps 2 and 3 are to be run only once at the time of creation.
You can take output on the printer attached to the network
by following these simple steps
outlined below.
Step1: Open the file to be printed in the editor you are using.
Step2:Click on File in the menubar window and open it.Click
on print .
Step3: A print window is displayed asking for the printer
name ,copies wanted and other
Step4: In the box for printer name type:hp5si-ad-204.and in
copies type the number of copies
desired.Click on
the OK tab and the document gets printed .
Step 5: File can also be printed from the console using the
lp -dhp5si-ad-204
After completing all the work ,its is always best to log out so
that no
other person can misuse your account.
To logout click on the EXIT tab in front of you on the front panel.