Wednesday, September 27th, 2006
Milutin Stanacevic
ECE Department
Stony Brook University
Title: Adaptive VLSI Microsystems for
Acoustic Source Localization and Separation
Continued trends towards miniaturization of integrated sensory systems call for low power sensing, signal conditioning and processing at the sensor level for extraction of limited number of essential task specific features. I will present mixed-signal VLSI adaptive microsystems interfacing with miniature microphone arrays that perform acoustic source separation and localization at microwatts of power, for use in intelligent hearing aids and acoustic surveillance. Analog gradient sensing of the broadband traveling wave field at sub-wavelength scale across a planar array of sensors yields linearly mixed instantaneous observations of multiple sources, blindly separated and 3-D localized using independent component analysis. The principle extends directly to the radio-frequency domain for low-power separation and localization of multiple broadband users in wireless networks.