[Teaching] [Research]
[Masters' Thesis]
Fall 2012 Teaching:
- CSC 015: Fundamentals of Computer Science I (Section A, and
- CSC 285: Mobile Information Device Programming
- CSC 274: Natural Language Processing (tutorial)
Previous Semesters
Undergraduate courses:
- CSC 5 (Overview of Computer Science)
- CSC 14 (Discrete Mathematics I)
- CSC 24 (Discrete Mathematics II)
- CSC 15 (Fundamentals of Computer Science I)
- CSC 16 (Fundamentals of Computer Science II)
- CSC 17 (Fundamentals of Computer Science III)
- CSC 50 (Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming)
- CSC 58 (Fundamentals of JavaScript Programming)
- CSC 112 (Operating Systems)
- CSC 120 (Algorithms and Data Structures)
- CSC 124 (Compiler Construction)
- CSC 145 (Special Topics: Introduction to Java Programming)
- CSC 145 (Special Topics: Mobile Information Device
- CSC 153 (Advanced Computer Architecture)
- CSC 155 (Unix & C)
- CSC 158 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence)
- CSC 161 (Introduction to Automata Theory)
- CSC 170 (Principles of Database Management)
- CSC 175 (Principles of Data Communication)
Graduate courses:
- CSC 202 (Computability)
- CSC 204 (Algorithm Design and Analysis)
- CSC 205 (Combinatorial Optimization)
- CSC 207 (Advanced Data Structures)
- CSC 256 (Advanced Operating Systems Design)
- CSC 290 (Special topics: Data Mining)
- CSC 290 (Web Application Programming)
- CSC 290 (Multimedia Programming)
- CSC 290 (Computational Finance)
- CSC 271 (Machine Learning)
- CSC 285 (Mobile Information Device Programming)
- CSC 203 (Privacy in a Wired World)
Research interests [top]
My main area of interest is data mining. I also work in data privacy.
Selected publications
Refereed Journals
- A Practical Differentially Private Random Decision Tree
Classifier. (With G. Jagannathan and R. N. Wright). Accepted for
publication and forthcoming in Transactions on Data Privacy (2011).
- Communication-Efficient Privacy-Preserving Clustering.
(With G. Jagannathan, D. Umano and R.N. Wright.) Transactions on Data
Privacy 3(1): 1-25 (2010).
- Sum-of-squares heuristics for bin packing and memory
allocation (With M. Bender, B. Bradley and G. Jagannathan), The ACM
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Volume 12, Article 2.3, (2007).
- How many queries are needed to learn? (With L. Hellerstein,
V. Raghavan and D. Wilkins). Journal of the ACM, 43(5): 840-862 (1996).
- An Introduction to Opaque Types. (With R. Cook).
Software--Concepts and Tools, 17:1, (1996) 1-5.
- On the Limits of Proper Learnability of DNF Formulas. (With
V. Raghavan) Machine Learning, 25, 237-256 (1996).
- Read-twice DNF Formulas are Properly Learnable. (With V.
Raghavan). Information and Computation, 122(2):236-267 (1995).
- A Linear Time Equivalence Test for Read-twice DNF formulas.
(With V. Raghavan). Information Processing Letters, 48(6): 289-295
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- A semi-supervised learning approach to differential
privacy. (With G. Jagannathan and C. Monteleoni). Submitted to SIAM
Data Mining 2012.
- A Practical Differentially Private Random Decision Tree
Classifier. (With G. Jagannathan and R. N. Wright). In the Proceedings
of the ICDM 2009 Workshop on Privacy Aspects of Data Mining (CD-ROM),
Miami, FL. Invited for submission to Transactions on Data Privacy.
- A secure clustering algorithm for distributed data streams.
(With G. Jagannathan and D. Umano). In the Proceedings of the ICDM 2007
Workshop on Privacy Aspects of Data Mining (CD-ROM), Omaha, NE.
- A New Privacy-Preserving Distributed k-Clustering Algorithm
(With G. Jagannathan and R. Wright). In the Proceedings of SIAM SDM
Conference 2006, Washington, D.C.
- The Robustness of the Sum-of-Squares Algorithm for Bin
Packing (With M. Bender, B. Bradley and G. Jagannathan). In the
Proceedings of ALENEX 2004, New Orleans, LA, pages 18-30.
- An Interactive Workbook for JavaScript (faculty poster).
Presented at ACM SIGCSE 2000, Austin, TX.
- A tool for homework submission using the world wide web.
(With D. Wilkins). In the Proceedings of WebNet '98 (CD-ROM), November
- The effectiveness of machine learning techniques in
predicting time to case disposition. (With D. Wilkins). In the
Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on AI and the Law,
June 1997, pages 106-113.
- How many queries are needed to learn? (With L. Hellerstein,
V. Raghavan and D. Wilkins). In the Proceedings of the 27th Annual
Symposium on the Theory of Computing, May 1995, pages 190-199.
- On the limits of proper learnability of subclasses of DNF
formulas. (With V. Raghavan). In the Proceedings of the 7th Annual
Symposium on Computation Learning Theory, July 1994, pages 118-129.
- Read-twice DNF formulas are properly learnable. (With V.
Raghavan). In Computational Learning Theory: Eurocolt '93, The
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference Series, Vol.
New Series Number 53, pages 121-132, 1994.
- Reviewed Conferences:
- Dense mapping within the MHC suggests a complex pattern of
haplotype associations with Rheumatoid Arthritis. (With Damini
Jawaheer, Robert Graham, Wei Chen, Aarti Damle, Nina Kohn, Timothy W
Behrens, Joanita Monteiro, Ann B Begovich, Michael F Seldin, Lindsey A
Criswell, James T Elder, Christopher I Amos and Peter K Gregersen). The
65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology
(ACR). San Francisco, November 11-15, 2001.
- JavaScript Workbook for CSC 005. (With J. Impagliazzo),
Masters' Projects and Theses [top]
- John Ortega, Jr. (in progress)
- Rona Eisenberg
- Keerat Sharma
- James Price
- Pulkit Zery
- Jeff Johnson
- James Pettit
- Daryl Umano
- Elliot Kaye
- Thomas Mertz
- George Hsu
- Dan Ortiz
- Tomasz Dolinski
- Basuki Setio
- Ashish Narayan
- Bohdan Wolczuk
- Jayamole Pallimallil
- Ritu Joshi