CSC015 Fundamentals of Computer Science I:

Problem Solving and Program Design Spring 2015

Course Info

Summary: Introduction to computer science with emphasis on problem solving, programming and algorithm design. Uses a high-level programming language for solving problems and emphasizing program design and development. Topics include basic programming constructs, expressions, functions, data types, arrays and strings. (3 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory.)


Develop a basic understanding of computing.
Proficiently master a very high level programming language (Python) for tacking real-world problems.
Develop problem solving skills.

Instructional Staff

Professor: Dr. Knarig Arabshian
Office hours: Tues/Thurs 12:40-2:10 PM
Office Number: Adams 115.



Software requirements for this course: Unix/Linux Terminal Logging into the Linux Lab machines from home

If you are working on your assignments in the lab and need to access your files, you can do so via sftp.
Filezilla and set up an sftp connection.

Alternatively, you can use the sftp command:

Python software:


Let me know about midterm exam conflicts ASAP!
Grades will be posted on Blackboard


All assignments must be submitted *BEFORE* class.

Programming Assignments: submit through Blackboard. Instructions can be found here.


Exam Schedule:

Thu, Feb 12: Quiz 1
Wed, Mar 4: Quiz 2 (Programming)
Thu, Mar 12: Midterm
Thu, Apr 2: Quiz 3
Wed, Apr 29: Quiz 4 (Programming)
TBD: Final

Schedule (tentative)

This schedule is subject to change, please check regularly and refresh the HTML page to see the latest updates.
Lectures and Labs will be uploaded onto Blackboard.


Lecture Slides
Assigned Reading
Lecture 1:Introduction to Computers and Programming
Gaddis: Ch 1
Lecture 2:Introduction to Computers and Programming
Gaddis: Ch 1