Structured Computer Architecture
Summer 1998

Class Time: Wednesdays 5:30-8:30pm
Location: Groton

Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Phone: (860) 297 5395 (Trinity College)

Course Description:

This is a course on the organization and architecture of computer hardware using the "layered" approach, with emphasis on CPU design and programming. After a crash course on binary arithemetics, we begin by looking at computer architecture at the digital logic layer. At this layer, we develop the basic components and tools required to design a CPU (central processing unit). The second layer then explores the "mirco" or interior organization of the CPU using the tools developed in the first layer. Our study of this second layer well center around a specific example of a microarchitecture. We'll then move on to the "software" layer, in which the CPU is programmed to interact with the rest of the computer system. The emphasis of this layer will be on assembly language programming. We will be writing several programs on IBM PC compatibles using Intel "x86" assembly language. Finally, we shall explore how CPU design is related to higher-level programming languages and issues. This will involve a discussion of the RISC v.s. CISC architecture controversy. Advanced topics will be covered as time allow.

Text and References:

The required text for this course is "Structured Computer Organization, 3rd edition" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Much additional reference material will be provided to you in the form of handouts. Additional references are also available on the class homepage at at

Tentative List of Topics:

  1. Introduction: the layered approach to computer science (Chap. 1)
  2. Computer Arithemetics (Chap. 2, Appendices A, B)
  3. Digital Logic (Chap. 3)
  4. Microarchitecture: the interior of the CPU (Chap. 4)
  5. Macroarchitecture: The Instruction Set (Chap. 5,8)
  6. Intel x86 Assembly Language Programming (Chap. 5,7)
  7. Advanced topics (if time allow)

Exams, Assignments and Grading

Homework will be assigned regularly. There will be two quizes and a final exam. The final exam will be cumulative. The grade distribution will be roughly 50% quizes and exam and 50% homework and programming assignments.

All material handed in must be in hard copy, and be well organized and legible. Unreadable material will not be graded. Consultation of outside material for completion of assignments must be pre-approved. Late assignments will not be accepted.


Regular attendance is expected. Students are responsible for all material, in all forms, presented during scheduled class times.

Final Note: The contents of the this syllabus may be modified according to the progress of the course