Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Office: MCEC 343, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106-3100
Office Phone: (860 297) 5395
Email: chuck.liang@mail.trincoll.edu
Assignment due Tuesday 2/2/99
Here is the sym.java file that you should use. It contains constant
declarations for the various Tiger tokens.
Assignment due Tuesday 2/16/99
The Truth Lab
The adder program I wrote in class (2/16/99)
Assignment due 3/23/99
Sparc Assembly Lab and Assignment. Due 4/13/99.
First Compilation Assignment. Due 4/20.
Here are the components of my "jBASIC" interpreter:
Here is a file that allows you to test your lexical analyzer without building a complete parser. There is a similar file found at http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/modern/java/chap2/Parse/Main.java, which is part of the sample code provided by the text's author, but I like mine better :-). To use it, compile it (after your *.lex file has been processed and compiled) and type "java lextest < filename" while "filename" is the name of a sample source-code file of the source language.
Here's the Grm.cup I was writting in class (3/2/99). The original file is found in the tiger modules packages (tiger/chap4/Parse/Grm.cup).
SERIOUS HELP for the parser assignment. (includes initial portions of my .lex and .cup files)
Accompanying files:
Type Checking version of jbclasses (my jBasic interpreter). Includes an implementation of the symbol table as a stack of stacks.
factorial.s Sample Sparc assembly code generated by gcc
for a simple C program (this is the example we went through in class). Also contains instructions on using gcc.
mycounter.s Sample hand-coded assembly program.
myfun.s assembly program illustrating functions
mystrings.s string and buffer manipulation example
adder.java. .
Program I first went over in class on
4/13 - concerning compilation of expressions using a virtual stack, now
with SIG series expressions (code demonstrated
during last class).
Final Assignment. Due Tuesday, 5/11/99.