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CPSC 225: Topics in Applications Programming, Summer 1998

Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office: MCEC 343, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106-3100
Office Phone: (860 297) 5395

Teaching Assistant: Adam Korzeniowski.

Course Syllabus

Online Resources:

Sample solution to mString class by J. Mazur.
Macro definition + pointer examples .
Stack implementation .

Sample program demonstrating editible fields, menus, file I/O, and bitmaps (I was also experimenting with threads in this program, which I've commented out in the code). Now updated with multiple windows, bitmap buttons, message boxes and animation controls

  1. resource.h
  2. menu.rc
  3. menu.h
  4. menu.cpp

Here is the sample code I used in class to demonstrate pointers.
Here's the sample program I used in class to demonstrate memory management.


Instructions for submitting your final project:

Please turn in all your source code, well documented and organized (that means stapled or in a folder!) Label each file you print with its name (such as project.h). Also, save an executable version of your program on one of the machines, and tell me how to run it. I need to run it to grade it. It's your responsibility to explain to me exactly how to run your program, so include a note explaining the procedure. Remember: your project must include instructions or a help menu option.