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CPSC 215L, Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 1999

Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office: MCEC 343, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106-3100
Office Phone: (860 297) 5395

Teaching Assistants: Marin Kobilarov and Matthew Bridges

Course Syllabus

Online Resources:

lab 1, lab 2, lab 3, lab 4, lab 5, lab 6, lab 7, lab 8, lab 9, lab 10, lab 11, lab 12

Lab10 Data ("payroll")

Note that the programs written in class posted here have few comments;
they assume that you were also in class and took notes during the lectures

Code for bubble sort and creating test data
Program written in class 9/14
Program written in class 9/23 (lists)
Program written in class 10/5 (stacks). I altered this program slightly after class, please go through it and make sure you understand the changes.
Program written in class (on board) 10/19 (recursion).
Two more short programs from 10/26 (recursion on ints).
Quicksort for lists (from 11/2).
Programs from 11/16. more binary tree operations, plus example on how to do keyboard and file reads with "BufferedReader".
Assorted C++ (codewarrior) code written in class 12/7.

TANKS! (may not work with netscape)
- source code you should download
skull9.gif - download this too.

Individual Programming Assignment.

Professor Liang' Quick and Dirty Java To C++ Tutorial.


There will be quiz on trees and heaps soon, on the Thursday the week after thanksgiving.