CSC 290, Spring 2003: Distributed Middleware Platforms

Class Time: Tu 6:20-8:10pm
Location: 207A Adams Hall

Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Office: 201A Adams Hall Office Phone: (516 463) 5559
Designated Office Hours: MWF 2-3pm, TuTh 10:30-11:30am, or by appointment.

Course Description:

The examination of the design, implementation and usage of distributed middleware platforms including RPC, RMI, CORBA, and DCOM. The course will involve programming in a variety of settings, as well as independent projects.

Prerequisite: Good programming background, knowledge of object oriented programming.

Class Web Page:

Tentative List of Topics:

  1. Review of Object Oriented Programming
  2. Overview of Network and Distributed Computing
  3. RPC: usage and implementation.
  4. java RMI
  5. Corba
    1. IDL
    2. Language mappings/ compilation
    3. ORB
  6. Microsoft .Net, DCOM, SOAP
  7. Middleware security.
  8. Middleware platform design

Exams, Assignments and Grading

Assignment will be given regularly. There will be a midterm exam and a final project. The grade distribution will be roughly as follows: midterm: 25%, final project 25%, quizzes, homeworks and programming assignments 50%.

All material handed in must be in hard copy, and be well organized and legible. Unreadable material will not be graded. Consultation of outside sources (including books, friends) for completion of assignments must be pre-approved. Late assignments will not be accepted.


Regular attendance is required. Students are responsible for all material, in all forms, presented during scheduled class times.

Final Note: The contents of the this syllabus may be modified depending on the progress of the course.