CSC290 Assignment 1: Warmup and Review of Object-Oriented Programming Due : Tuesday 2/4/03 You may use Java, C++ or some other object oriented programming language in this assignment. You are to design an object oriented implementation for a data structure representing different kinds of businesses. The super or base class should be called a business. Each business object will have a name plus other properties that are associated with every business (such as owner, stockvalue, etc...). You are then to design different subclasses for different kinds of businesses. For example, you can have a sub class called CarDealer that sells cars. Such a class would contain different types of cars to sell, along with their price. Another possible subclass would be "AirLine" which contains a list of routes and planes. You should design at least three subclasses. Demonstrate overriding and dynamic dispatch. For example, you can have an abstract method called "specialsale" that does different things to different kinds of businesses. Another example would be "printInventory", which also needs to be different for different subclasses. Use as many different aspects of object oriented programming as you know. Additional Requirement: at some point of your program, you should demonstrate your ability to use conventional data structures such as dynamic arrays and linked lists. For example, you can use a linked list to hold the different types of cars a car dealer sells. Provide ample and helpful documentation.