Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Professor of Computer Science,
Hofstra University .
Office Address:
201A Adams Hall
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11550
Office Phone: (516 463) 5559
Email: cscccl@hofstra.edu (<- click to send me mail)
Office Hours: Check ZOOM OFFICE HOURS folder on blackboard page, email me for hours if you're not in this class with me
Course Syllabus
Goals and Objectives
Linux Installation Instructions. (RELOAD FOR UPDATES)
Post-installation assignment (https installation).
Thincrust secure webserver (underground web)
Lab and HW assignment 1
C program checking if an ip address belonged to a network (improved)
Routing Workshop and assignment. Includes homework from Chap. 3
Packet filtering lab and assignment,
now with sample solutions>
Chapter 5 homework
TCP Client Programming Assignment, with
SAPMP server code in java
and in c (and rust)
Second Programming Assignment: TTPAP,
with support programs for Feistel Cipher
and utility functions, and extra keys poulet.key,
dinde.key, jambon.key
(crypt routines in C and Rust, and authentication server in Rust )
UDP socket assignment (includes server code in Java, C version here)
Optional Firewall Piercing Negotiator assignment.
Test with client code in java.
Sample Socket Programs and Related Notes:
Final Exam Monday 5/11, 4-6pm on Zoom. Use the exam study guide with practice problems and sample solutions.
Sample solutions to Chapter 5 homework and some iptables -t nat questions.
Midterm Exam Monday 3/30. Use the exam study guide, which contains sample problems and solutions (and may be updated). Sample solutions to Ch. 2,3 homeworks are now available.
Read the textbook:
chapter 1: sections 1.1-1.3
chapter 2: sections 2.1-2.4, 2.6, 2.7.1 Pay special attention to 2.6
chapter 3: sections 3.2-3.3
chapter 4: section 4.1
chapter 5: sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.4. Pay special attention to 5.2, which is the most important section in the book.
chapter 6: sections 6.1, 6.3
chapter 8: sections 8.1-8.3, especially 8.3
chapter 9: section 9.3, especially 9.3.1