import java.util.Comparator; /* An interface similar to Comparable is java.util.Comparator: interface Comparator { int compare(T x, Ty); // compare(x,y) instead of x.compareTo(y) } We will use this interface because it is easier to change the comparator: it separates the compare method from the data structure being compared. However, we still require Comparable objects so we can set a default comparator. *** Note that in this version of the priority heap data structure, the root node resides at index 0 of the array, and not index 1. This means that the formulas for computing the indices of the left, right and parent nodes are different. */ // priority heap data structure public class Heap> { protected Comparator cmt; // alternative protected T[] H; // the heap array protected int size; // size !=H.length, which is capacity public int size() { return size; } public int capacity() { if (H!=null) return H.length; else return 0;} class defaultcomparator implements Comparator { public int compare(T x, T y) { return x.compareTo(y); } }// one way to create the default comparator public Heap(int c) // constructor takes capacity { if (c<1) throw new RuntimeException("invalid capacity"); H = (T[]) new Comparable[c]; // compiler warning expected cmt = new defaultcomparator(); } public Heap(T[] A,int size) // alt constructor { H = A; this.size=size; cmt = (x,y)->x.compareTo(y); // same as new defaultcomparator() } public void setComparator(Comparator c) {if (c!=null) cmt =c; } // root of heap tree always at index 0 (not 1 like in many textbooks) // these indices may be invalid (too large, small) int left(int i) { return 2*i+1; } int right(int i) { return 2*i+2; } int parent(int i) {return (i-1)/2;} // insert new value x into heap ("largest" on top) public void insert(T x) { if (size==capacity()) throw new RuntimeException("heap full"); H[size] = x; // place at "end" of heap int i = size; // current position of x boolean stop=false; while (i>0 && !stop) { // compare x to parent, swap if x is larger int p = parent(i); // guranteed to exist since i>0 if ([i],H[p])>0) { T tmp=H[i]; H[i]=H[p]; H[p]=tmp; i = p; // move pointer up to parent } else stop = true; } size++; }//insert public T peek() // return largest val without deleting { if (size<1) return null; else return H[0]; } public T deleteTop() { if (size<1) return null; T answer = H[0]; // move last element to top H[0] = H[--size]; // now swap downwards until larger than both children int i = 0; // current position swapdown(i); /* int swapi=0; // swap candidate index, initially not -1 while (swapi != -1) { // both children exist // only left child exists // no children exists // use swap candidate technique swapi = -1; // -1 means nobody to swap with // check left child int lf = left(i), rt = right(i); if (lf0) swapi = lf; if (rt0 &&[rt],H[lf])>0) swapi = rt; if (swapi != -1) { T tmp = H[i]; H[i]=H[swapi]; H[swapi]=tmp; i = swapi; // move i downwards } }//while */ return answer; }//delete top public T poll() { return deleteTop(); } // alias for deleteTop // swap H[i] downward to satisfy heap property protected void swapdown(int i) { if (i<0 || i>=size) return; int swapi=0; // swap candidate index, initially not -1 while (swapi != -1) { // both children may exist // only left child may exists // maybe no children exists // Use swap candidate technique... swapi = -1; // -1 means nobody to swap with // check left child int lf = left(i), rt = right(i); if (lf0) swapi = lf; if (rt0 &&[rt],H[lf])>0) swapi = rt; if (swapi != -1) { T tmp = H[i]; H[i]=H[swapi]; H[swapi]=tmp; i = swapi; // move i downwards } }//while }//swapdown // heapify: // hint: there are always (size+1)/2 (as an int) number of leaf nodes. // There are therefore (size-1)/2 number of non-leaf nodes. // bottom of the heap when no children exists (leaf node) protected boolean bottom(int i) { return left(i)>=size; } // search (override with better version) is still O(n) public boolean search(T x) { for(T y:H) if (,x)==0) return true; return false; } // main for testing /* public static void main(String[] av) { int n = 50; Heap HI = new Heap(new Integer[n],0); HI.setComparator( (x,y)->y-x ); // what does this do? for(int i=0;i