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CSC16: Fundamentals of Computer Science II, Fall 2005

Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Hofstra University .

Office Address:
201A Adams Hall
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11550
Office Phone: (516 463) 5559

Email: (<- click to send me mail)

Official Office Hours: MW 5:30-6:30pm, TuTh 1-2pm, F 1:30-2:30pm, or by appointment

Course Syllabus

Online Resources:

lab 1, lab 2a lab 2b, lab 3, lab 4, lab 5, lab 6, lab 7, lab 8, lab 9, lab10, lab 11, lab 12

Images for lab2b: racer.gif, hrbackground.gif
File for lab 4:
help for lab 8
Lab 9 Special Version. You'll need these gifs for the human and the goblin

Program from first day of class
Programs from 9/8:,
Brief summary of some new concepts
Binary search from 9/27 class.
Quicksort from 9/29 class
Class notes on functional vs. oop, destructive vs. constructive styles (reload for latest additions)
Quicksort for linked lists. based on 10/27 class.
Implementations of stacks, with sample application of evaluating expressions in prefix form
Program to check for loops in linked lists
Polymorphic linked lists. from 11/22 class (reload for latest changes), graphical rendering of trees
Open hash tables
Polymorphic version of open hash tables:,,
Polymorphic stacks. Simpler example of abstract class and polymorphic functions

Homework on pointers and memory allocation


Lab 11 problem 6 is optional.

As agreed to in class, our final exam will be on Friday, 12/16 at 2pm. Location TBA (look for signs).
Use the Final exam study guide with sample solutions to the practice problems.

We will meet at 6:30pm Thursday 12/15 for review. Bring questions.