Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Assistant Professor of Computer Science,
Hofstra University .
Office Address:
201A Adams Hall
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11550
Office Phone: (516 463) 5559
Email: cscccl@hofstra.edu (<- click to send me mail)
Official Office Hours: MW 12:45am-1:45pm, TuThFr 2-3pm
lab1, lab2, lab3, lab4, lab5, lab6, lab7, lab8, lab9, lab10, lab11, lab12
Files for part II of lab 2: figs.java,
File for lab 8: timergui.java
Gifs for lab 10: racer.gif,
hrbackground.gif (you only need to download these if you're working from home).
bankaccount program from first day of class
footballteam program from 9/8 class, with some
accompanying notes. You should understand how the footballteam objects
are used, not necessarily all the details of how to define the footballteam
addtime.java: Sample program adding minutes
and seconds. Use this as a guide for part 1 of lab 2.
OOP version of addtime: sample program
of 9/15 class.
Sample nested if-elese program. Use this
as a guide for lab 4.
Sample program from week of 10/8. Concerns the
object-oriented representation of collections of coins.
Bouncing circles program from week of 10/13
Two more OOP examples: gas station,
slot machine (from 10/20 class)
Guessing game program where human does the guessing.
nested loop examples (from 10/29 class).
program illustrating inheritance, exceptions, and
Stream IO
program from 11/19 class. Use this as a guide
for lab 11
hangman program from 11/24 class
Generic gui program from 12/1 class
Phonepad program from 12/3 class
Written homework 1.
Problems to do to prepare for quiz 2.
Sample Solutions
Lab 5 sample solutions
Midterm study guide with practice problems.
Note: I deleted some of the practice questions
midterm study guide solutions to practice problems in study guide.
Final exam Wednesday 12/17, MF class at 10:30am (Adams 011), MW class at 1:30pm (Adams 200)
Exam study guide.
Exam review sessions: Monday 5-6pm. AND Tuesday 5-6pm (Adams 204).
Sample solutions to final exam study guide practice problems.
New program submission instructions: From your solaris account, and making sure you're using tcsh and in the right directory, submit your program via the command:
submitprog username filenameIf successful, it should print "File submitted." You can submit as often as you want before the due date - but use the same filename. I will only look at one submission. If you wrote your program at home, you can transfer it here using internet explorer and the address ftp://username@husun3.hofstra.edu
For the MF class, we meet in room 011 on Mondays and 204 on Fridays. For the MW class, we meet in room 200 on Mondays and 204 on Wednesdays.