Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Associate Professor of Computer Science,
Hofstra University .
Office Address:
201A Adams Hall
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11550
Office Phone: (516 463) 5559
Email: cscccl@hofstra.edu (<- click to send me mail)
Official Office Hours: MW 5:30-6:30pm, TuTh 1-2pm, F 1:30-2:30pm, or by appointment
Scheme Programs (files in bold are required reading)
list abstractions in C, for comparison with Scheme
(based on 9/27 class).
More OOP examples: Rational number objects in Scheme,
C++, Java, and
and for something really special: rationals in Eiffel :
rational.e, rats.e. See
compilation instructions in rats.e
Inheritance example (sports teams) in Scheme,
C#, and Perl
Comparing inheritance between
pure C, and C#
Static and dynamic dispatch mechanisms in C#
C# Delegates (higher order functions)
Notes on the difference between abstract class and
THE PIZZA FACTORY! (my example of Factory Method pattern)
invest.cs. (my example of Observer pattern)
Comparing type casting in C++ and
A poem and a fable in C++
Expressions trees program : csc16 version,
csc123 version, visitor pattern version, Parametrized VP version (NEW)
Three versions of polymorphic lists: polylist1.cs,
polylist3.cs. They all use number.cs as a dll.
My student visitors example, that includes
Version of "student" visitor pattern that includes xml file parser).
C++ Templates and
Parametric types (Generics) in new C#/Java
Another example of Generics in C#
Class notes on type inference calculi (pdf)
Absolutely Required Reading
Algebraic programming in ML
First AspectJ example. (Contains installation and
compilation instructions).
Second AspectJ example
superprivate.java and
Third and major AOP example: base program,
invariance aspect,
initialization aspect,
profiling aspect,
security aspect.
Aspect-oriented bank accounts: aopbank.java.
Contains one of the problems of the programming assignment
More AspectJ Programs: advice precedence,
preventing circularity, contro-flows,
if pointcut,
doubly linkedlist,
pertarget aspects
exptree6.java: AOP version of expression tree program. Contains important theoretical remarks (read!).
Lambda calculus homework, now with
Scheme Lab and assignment.
instructions on using the 019 lab
Perl-Scheme assignment
C# warmup assignment.
The Food Assignment. Your xmlwriter visitor should write
files consistent with this example.
Food files: foods.cs,
AspectJ Assignment Part A. The first problem
of part A is due Tuesday 12/6, and should be completed individually.
The remainder of the AspectJ assignment, with
support files figure.java and
figs.java. (main is in figs.java).
The aspectJ assignment is due Friday 12/16.
Problem 2 of part B (finding java programs to profile reads/writes) is now Optional. For the "betteroutput" aspect of part A, you may have to call toString() explicitly from main in order for the aspect to take effect.
Final exam Tuesday 12/20 at 4pm. Use the exam study
guide with sample solutions to practice
Review Session Monday at 2:30pm, Adams 019.