#include #include /* not everything old is bad */ #include /* but new stuff is usually better */ #include #include /* requires -std=c++23 for monadic combinators */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /* compiled with g++-13 -std=c++23 on M2 Mac */ /* Bijective Hashmap Without Cloning Your assignment is to implement a bi-directional or two-way hashmap These maps enforce a one-to-one relationship between keys and values. There cannot be duplicate keys nor duplicate values. The value can be looked up with the key and the key with the value. Both the value and key can be hashed. The usual way of implementing this data structure is to use two hashmaps underneath, one in each direction: HashMap and HashMap where KT, VT are the types of keys and values. But this requires either cloning the keys and values, or have multiple pointers to the same keys/values. Most implementations of this data structure that you would find in Rust would also assume that KT and VT implement the Clone trait, or use Rc (reference counter) to have multiple pointers to the same objects. But cloning is clearly inefficient and Rc can potentially compromise the safety of Rust. My implementation below in C++ does not require cloning (but also can't prevent it since C++ doesn't distinguish cloning from copying). You are to write an equivalent version in Rust that does not require Clone or Rc (or Arc). YOU MUST COMPLETE THE RUST VERSION OF THIS PROGRAM AS INSTRUCTED. I've tried to use the latest features of C++ to make this program resemble Rust - you can't compile this program without the newest C++ compiler (g++-13). I've even aliased the typenames for vector and unordered_map so they have rust names (Vec and HashMap). Of course the Rust program cannot look exactly like C++. There are things you can do in C++, such as indexing values with unsigned integers, that you can't in Rust. When possible, take advantage of pattern matching in Rust. But the *algorithm* and structure of your program must be based on this program. I will be able to tell instantly if you got some junk off the web or an AI. The algorithm of this program essentially implements a hash table partly from scratch. I also have two hashmaps, but the keys of these maps are integers (type size_t in modern C++ - equivalent to usize in Rust). One map (keys) stores keys and the *locations* of the corresponding values in the other map. Likewise, the other map (vals) stores values and the locations of the corresponding keys in the keys map. Given a key and a value, I first get their hash values from the built-in hashing functions of C++ (std::hash<>). Call these hk for hash(key) and hv for hash(value). These are then used as the KEYS for the two hashmaps. Because hash collisions can still happen, each hashmap location contains a vector of tuples. The keys map contains vectors of tuples of the form (k,vr,vc). The key is k, vr is the *hash key* of the corresponding value in the other map (vals), and vc is the vector index of the corresponding entry in the other map. Likewise, the vals map contains vectors of tuples of the form (v,kr,kc) where v is a value, kr is a hash key of the keys map, and kc is the vector index of the tuple that holds the corresponding key. When looking up a value by key, we first locate the entry for the key in the keys map, (k,vr,vc). Then we use this information to lookup the value, which is at vals[vr][vc] (think of the hashmap of vectors as a 2D array). The algorithm to lookup the key with the value is symmetrical. The program looks long because there are twin versions of many procedures. If you figure out how to write one you'll definitely be able to write the other. The rust program will also not be perfectly equivalent because of certain limitations of C++. For example, the C++ `optional` type cannot contain a reference, and I'm forced to return a *copy* of the value in an optional when looking up a value or key. The equivalent of these methods (get_by_key, get_by_val) should return Option<&VT> and Option<&KT> in Rust. Other differences between C++ and Rust that pertains to this program: - there's no distinction between l-value and r-value references in rust but there certainly is between immutable and mutable references. In C++, although you can have a const T&, there's not as much significance to it. - Although the Index trait is implemented for Rust's HashMap, and you can say mymap[&key] to access the value associated with the key (if you're sure it exists), you cannot assign to it like in C++ (it's immutable). To change something at that entry you can say mymap.get_mut(&key).map(|x|{x+=1;}); assumming the entry is an int. Alternatively, if your key implements Copy, you can say mymap.entry(key).and_modify(|x|{x+=1;}); Yes, entry is another MONAD MONSTER! (and it's not even Halloween). I've also written out a skeleton for you in Rust and the signatures of the functions you must implement. Your program must continue from this skeleton. */ #define None std::nullopt; template using Vec = std::vector; // type alias Vec template using HashMap = std::unordered_map; // type alias HashMap template< typename KT, /* type of keys */ typename VT, /* type of values*/ typename HK = std::hash, /* hasher for keys */ typename HV = std::hash /* hasher for values */ > requires std::equality_comparable && std::equality_comparable && std::movable && std::movable && std::destructible && std::destructible struct bijective_map { private: HK keyhash{}; // {} applies default constructor HV valhash{}; size_t size{0}; HashMap>> keys{}; HashMap>> vals{}; public: // default constructor suffice - write a fn new() -> Self in Rust // this program follows the "Rule of Zero". size_t len() { return size; } // define get methods first because they're the easiest (non-mutating) optional get_by_key(const KT& key) { try { auto hk = keyhash(key); auto& row = keys[hk]; // throws std::out_of_range if key not found for(auto& [k,vr,vc] : row) { // for (k,vr,vc) in rows.iter() (rust) if (k==key) { VT v; size_t kr, kc; tie (v,kr,kc) = vals[vr][vc]; // let (v,_,_) = .. return v; // Some(v) } }//for } catch(out_of_range e) { } return None; // None is alias for std::nullopt }//get_by_key for l-value references to keys optional get_val(KT&& key) { // r-value ref version of get_by_key return get_by_key(key); } // can't call get_by_key("larz") because "larz" is not an l-value // the following is entirely symmetric to get_by_key optional get_by_val(const VT& val) { try { auto hv = valhash(val); auto& row = vals[hv]; for(auto& [v,kr,kc] : row) { if (v==val) { KT k; size_t vr, vc; tie (k,vr,vc) = keys[kr][kc]; return k; } }//for } catch(out_of_range e) { } return None; }//get_by_val optional get_key(VT&& val) { // r-value ref version of get_by_key return get_by_val(val); } // The following are defined first because they're required by method set optional> take_by_key(const KT& key) { try { KT k; VT v; size_t kr, kc, vr, vc; auto hk = keyhash(key); // careful borrowing mutably in rust: may need to re-borrow after mutation: auto& row = keys[hk]; // vector of keys (hash collisions) auto flen = row.size(); int i = -1; // don't try this trick in rust - you'll get crushed while (++i < flen) { if (get<0>(row[i]) == key) {break;} // found key! }//while (c++ has a weird way of getting the elements of a tuple) if (i==flen) { return None; } if (i+1(row[i]); // must also adjust location of swapped value auto ic = get<2>(row[i]); get<2>(vals[ir][ic]) = i; // get returns l-value reference, in rust: } // keys.entry(ir).and_modify(|v|v[ic]=i); tie (k,vr,vc) = row.back(); // now pop the value : O(1) delete row.pop_back(); // pop_back returns void (rust pop returns Option) // got key and location of value, now find value... auto blen = vals[vr].size(); if (vc+1(vals[vr][vc]); auto ic = get<2>(vals[vr][vc]); get<2>(keys[ir][ic]) = i; } tie (v,kr,kc) = vals[vr].back(); vals[vr].pop_back(); size--; return make_tuple(k,v); // Some((k,v)) } catch (std::exception e) {} // catches whatever exception return None; }//take_by_key optional> take_val(KT&& key) { return take_by_key(key); } optional> take_by_val(const VT& val) { try { KT k; VT v; size_t kr, kc, vr, vc; auto hv = valhash(val); auto& row = vals[hv]; auto flen = row.size(); int i = -1; while (++i < flen) { if (get<0>(row[i]) == val) {break;} }//while if (i==flen) { return None; } if (i+1(row[i]); auto ic = get<2>(row[i]); get<2>(keys[ir][ic]) = i; } tie (v,kr,kc) = row.back(); row.pop_back(); auto blen = keys[kr].size(); if (kc+1(keys[kr][kc]); auto ic = get<2>(keys[kr][kc]); get<2>(vals[ir][ic]) = i; } tie (k,vr,vc) = keys[kr].back(); keys[kr].pop_back(); size--; return make_tuple(k,v); } catch (std::exception e) {} return None; }//take_by_key optional> take_key(VT&& val) { return take_by_val(val); } // finally, we can write the set method, which either inserts or // changes a key-value pair, making sure that the map stays bijective. // the function returns the previous key-value pair, if there was one optional> set(KT key, VT val) { // note these aren't refs // make sure vectors exist at locations: auto hk = keyhash(key); auto hv = valhash(val); if (!keys.contains(hk)) { vector> v{}; keys[hk] = move(v); } // in rust, just do keys.entry(hk).or_default(); if (!vals.contains(hv)) { vector> v{}; vals[hv] = move(v); } optional> answer = None; // to be returned, default none KT k1, k2; VT v1, v2; auto tkey = take_by_key(key); // delete previous associations auto tval = take_by_val(val); // following code should be simpler in Rust because of pattern matching: if (tkey.has_value() && tval.has_value()) { tie (k1,v1) = tkey.value(); tie (k2,v2) = tval.value(); answer = {k2,v1}; } else if (tkey.has_value()) { answer = tkey; } else if (tval.has_value()) { answer = tval; } // insert new association: auto kc = keys[hk].size(); auto vc = vals[hv].size(); keys[hk].push_back({key,hv,vc}); vals[hv].push_back({val,hk,kc}); size++; return answer; }//set }; // bijective map // concocted example to test collision resolution: (optional to do in rust) struct student { string name; float gpa{3.5}; // minimum gpa at Hofstra student(string n): name{n} {} bool operator == (student& b) { return name == b.name; } }; struct student_hasher { size_t operator () (student& s) { size_t sum = 0; for(int i=0;i daynum; string days[] = {"Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"}; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) {daynum.set(days[i],i+1);} // a Curried lambda function: auto println = [](string&& p){ return [=](auto& n) { cout << p << " " << n << endl; return 0; }; }; // in rust: let cout = |p|move |n|println!("{} {}",&p,&n); auto option = daynum.get_val("Wednesday"); cout << option.value() << endl; // .value() = .unwrap() // But what if you misspelled Wednesday? Need if (option).. but better // to do real monadic error handling with .map (.transform in C++23): // better not forget the if... (nullopt == false). But if nobody ever // forgot the if.. then why did the null pointer cost a billion? if (daynum.take_val("Wedesday")) cout << "what a day!\n"; daynum.get_val("Thursday").transform(println("Thursday is day")); daynum.get_key(7).transform(println("day 7 is")); auto opt = daynum.set("Sunday",1); // must also erase association for Monday opt.transform([](auto& v) { cout << "set Sunday returned " <(v) << "," << get<1>(v) << endl; return 0; // C++ doesn't have the unit type so need to return something }); printf("size : %d\n", daynum.len()); // now 6 because no more Monday for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { opt = daynum.set(days[i],i+2); opt.transform([](auto& rv) { cout << "set returned " <(rv) << "," << get<1>(rv) << endl; return 0; }); }//for printf("size : %d\n", daynum.len()); // better be 7 /// collision test student s1("mary"); student s2("larz"); student s3("narx"); student s4("oarw"); student s5("parv"); bijective_map class_ranking; class_ranking.set(s1, 1); class_ranking.set(s2, 2); class_ranking.set(s3, 3); class_ranking.set(s4, 4); class_ranking.set(s5, 5); class_ranking.get_by_key(s3) .transform([](auto& x){cout << "narx's rank: " << x << endl; return 0}); class_ranking.get_key(1) .transform([](auto& x){cout << x.name << "is ranked 1\n"; return 0}); // larz was found using AI, move larz down the ranks class_ranking.set(s2,5); // should delete ranking for parv if (!class_ranking.get_bal_key(s5)) cout << "no ranking for parv for now\n"; class_ranking.set(s5,2); // parv was trying hard without AI for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { class_ranking.get_by_val(i) .transform([](auto& s){cout << i<<": "<