import*; import*; import java.util.*; class student { public final String name; private double gpa; // note private public student(String n) { name=n; gpa = ((int)(Math.random()*401))/100.0; } public String toString() { return "student "+name+" has a "+gpa+" GPA"; } public void run() { System.out.println("huff and puff..."); } } class vehicle { public final String make; public final String model; public final int year; public int price = 30000; public vehicle(String b, String m, int y) {make=b; model=m; year=y;} public String toString() {return year+" "+make+" "+model;} public void run() { System.out.println("zoom zoom"); } }//vehicle class pc { public final String cpu; public int RAM; // in GB public int Storage; // in TB public int price = 1000; public pc(String c, int r, int s) { cpu=c; RAM=r; Storage=s; } public void run() // note: not related to other .run methods { throw new RuntimeException("System Fault. Must Reinstall OS"); } } public class aop18 { public static void main(String[] av) { try { System.out.println("What the hell is this AspectJ thing?!\n"); student s = new student("Nev Erstudy"); vehicle v = new vehicle("Honda","Accord",2008); pc yourpc = new pc("intel i7",16,5); // 16gb ram, 5tb disk;;; } catch(RuntimeException re) {System.out.println(re);} }//main }