Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Office: Adams 201A
Office Phone: (516 463) 5559
Office Hours: MW 4:30-5:30 pm, TuTh 3-4pm, F 11:10am-12:10pm, or by appointment.
Email: cscccl@hofstra.edu
Organization of a computer: memory, addressing; number systems and
conversion. Assemblers, base registers, relocation. Fixed-point
numeric processing, string processing, indexing and iteration. Floating-point
arithmetic and Boolean operations. Subroutines, macros, i/o channel
Prerequisite: CSC (14 && 16) || ENGG 10 || BCIS 50
Required Text: "Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers" by Kip R. Irvine. Prentice Hall 1999.
Class Web Page:
Assignments will be given regularly. There will be a midterm exam and a final. The final exam will be cumulative. Periodic quizes may also be given. The grade distribution will be roughly 55% exams and quizes and 45% attendence, programming assignments and other homeworks.
All material handed in must be in hard copy, and be well organized
and legible. Unreadable material will not be graded. Consultation of outside
sources (including books, friends) for completion of assignments must be
Late assignments will not be accepted.
Regular class attendance is required. Students are responsible for all material, in all forms, presented during scheduled class times. Attendence records may be kept and used to determine final grade. The instructor reserves the right to inspect documentation for valid absences.
Students are required to keep copies of all programming assignments throughout the semester. When working in a group, all group members must posses current versions of the assignment.
Final Note: The contents of the this syllabus may be modified depending
on the progress of the course.