CPSC 333: Computer Networks, Fall 1999
Class Time: Tu 6:45-9:15pm
Location: MCEC 260
Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Office: MCEC 343
Office Phone: (860 297) 5395
Designated Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 4-5pm or by appointment
Email: chuck.liang@mail.trincoll.edu
Course Description:
An introduction to the principles and practices of local area and wide area
networking. Topics will be organized around the Internet TCP/IP reference
model, and will include network configuration, protocol, security, and
possibly network programming. These topics will be studied conjointly
with their relevence in the Linux network operating system.
Prerequisite: C- or better in CPSC 215L
Required Text: "Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
" by L. Peterson and B. Davie.
Reference Material:
- "Computer Networks, 3rd Edition" by
Andrew Tanenbaum
- "Red Hat Linux 6 Unleashed" by
D. Pitts, B. Ball, et al.
Class Web Page:
Tentative Schedule and List of Topics:
- Introduction and Overview: Networking and Linux
- The OSI and Internet reference models
- Host to Network Layer:
- Data Transmission frames, error detection
- Ethernet and Tokenring
- Switching Technology
- The Internet Protocol Layer
- Packet Format
- Network Classes
- Subnets and Masks
- Routers
- IPv6
- The Transport Layer: TCP and UDP
- RPC and NFS
- Samba: Linux - Windows connectivity
- Network Security: Encryption and Authentication
- Firewalls
- Network Programming with sockets
- Advanced Topics
Exams, Assignments and Grading:
There will be approximately one assignment per week. Assignments
may involve system configuration.
There will be a midterm
exam and a final. The grade distribution will be roughly
50% assignments and 50% quizes and exams.
All material handed in must be in hard copy, and be well organized
and legible. Unreadable material will not be graded. Consultation of outside
sources (books, web material) for completion of assignments must be
Late assignments will not be accepted.
Attendance: Attendance is required due to the schedule and nature of the
Final Note:
This is an advanced course that does not teach basic
programming and OS skills. Students are expected to be able to experiment
and overcome difficulties on their own.
A high level of intellectual dedication is required.
The contents of the this syllabus may be modified according
to the progress of the course.