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CPSC 333: Computer Networks, Fall 1999

Dr. Chuck C. Liang
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office: MCEC 343, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106-3100
Office Phone: (860 297) 5395

Teaching Assistant: Chris Allen

Course Syllabus

Online Resources:

Linux installation instructions

Class list

Assignment Due 9/28
Assignment Due 10/12
Ipchains assignment
1st programming assignment (program written in class)

SECRET MESSAGE for file IO assignment. Please note that the first line contains a number indicating the number of remaining lines. I'll add a little twist to the assignment: it's up to you to decide if each line is encrypted separately or as part of the whole message (that is, is the previous character reset to (char) 32 for each new line). Please, if you figure it out early, don't give it away! sample java IO program

1st socket assignment
eftp server code. Password authentication added!
random number server, random number client . (programs written in class. you can use these as a model for your assignment.)

Spynet Assignment Additional Note: all spynet applications should use port 1928. make sure your ipchains rules aren't too strong.
The chat program

TCP STATE CONNECT/CLOSE STATE DIAGRAM. From "Computer Networks" by Andrew S. Tannenbaum.

My paper on the experiences of teaching this course


Please come to the Sun lab to demonstrate your spynet programs at the time when our final is scheduled.

You still have to install jdk if you haven't already done so. The spynet assignment requires you to run a java application on your linux machine. "" is the official Java Linux site. You can download additional java-related material, including debug patches, Java 3D experimental ports, and the "JRE" development environment that resembles CodeWarrior.

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